Lesson 2: Commitments and Follow Up

Your Purpose states: “Invite others to come unto Christ by helping them receive the restored gospel through faith in Jesus Christ and His Atonement, repentance, baptism, receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost, and enduring to the end.”

Just how do you do that? It is through commitments.

Elder Jeffery R. Holland taught: “The first thing you will do when an investigator tells you he or she had not read and prayed about the Book of Mormon is be devastated!...Much of the time we are just too casual about all of this. This is eternal life. This is the salvation of the children of God. Eternity hangs in the balance...It is the most important path this investigator will ever walk. But if he or she doesn't know that, at least you do!...So take control of this situation. Teach with power and authority, and then be devastated if the first steps toward commandment-keeping and covenant-keeping have not been successfully begun” (PMG p.8)

“People become converted as they live the principles they learn and feel the Spirit confirm that what they are doing is pleasing to their Father in Heaven.” (PMG p.196)

“Keeping commitments prepares people to make and keep sacred covenants.” (PMG p.196)

“Every finding opportunity – with members, referrals, or personal contacting – should lead to an invitation to act, usually to learn more about the message of the Restoration.” (PMG p.196)

“Rarely, if ever, should you talk to people or teach them without extending an invitation to do something that will strengthen their faith in Christ.” (PMG p.196)

“People will not likely change unless they are invited to do so.” (PMG p.196)

A list of commitments for Investigators: (PMG p.141) Why is keeping a record of commitments important? Why would it be helpful? Or in what circumstances would this be helpful? (Hint: PMG p.20, p.147-150, p.166)

So what commitments can you give to members?

What commitments can you give to Potential Investigators?

A good commitments consists of the following elements:

Promises Blessing (PMG p.197)

Bears Testimony (PMG p.198)

Direct (PMG p.197)

Specific-What they are to do

Timed-When they will do it

Warning of following up

Topic to Study:

Your investigator is confused about the Holy Ghost, he/she thinks that the Spirit is given to us everywhere, and has nothing to do with obedience. Show through the scriptures clearly the difference between the Power of the Holy Ghost and the Gift of the Holy Ghost. Show also how the Gift of the Holy Ghost is administered. Show finally, that worthiness is important in receiving the Holy Ghost. Find examples of all of the above. (Hint: for an instance of the “Power of the Holy Ghost”, search through 1 Nephi, the words “power of the Holy Ghost” is quoted word for word in one of the verses. Another good place to look is in the book “True to the Faith”)

The aim of this exercise is for you to know the difference between the power of the Holy Ghost and the Gift of the Holy Ghost and worthiness and the Holy Ghost. We hear these often as we grow up in the church, but when it comes to teaching an investigator, you need to be able to explain it through the scriptures as the scriptures are authoritative and gives validity to what you say. You'll find that the scriptures can usually teach more plainly than you can.

Following Up: (PMG p.200)

3 Nephi 18:32

A good follow up consists of the following:

Daily Contact with additional commitments

Compliment/Encouraging/Express disappointment

Identifies the blessing