Now it is our time


    When the light dawns and it finally comes to you that this Gospel realy is true and the work matters and that God is not going to come down and do it Himself, we will realize that we are the only hands He has got, and that we are the only feet He has got. When somebody knocks on those doors, it is with our knuckles. When we make contact on the street, it is our voice out there on that street corner. When we work with the less-active, Moroni and Mormon and Alma and Joseph Smith are not going to come down and go in that door and do that teaching; it is you and it is me, it is just people who get up, like we get up every morning and do the work of the Lord the way those men and their wives did it in the era and in their day and in their age, and in their time, but now it is our time.


    When we come to know this then we will get on with the work.


                                ----- Jeffrey R. Holland