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During the intense persecution of the early Christians by the Jews and Romans, the sacred texts of the Christian Church were systematically destroyed. Many Christians gave up their records in hopes of saving their lives. After the organization of the Catholic Church several councils were held to decide on which books were "authoritative" and thus should be canonized. Much debate and disagreement ensued. As an outgrowth of those councils we received the Canonization of the scriptures as we now know it (with minor changes along the way). With such few records remaining, Christians rightly grew very protective of the Bible and the books contained therein. With an absence of true revelation since the death of the Apostles, the doctrine was developed and taught that the Bible was the only word of God and anything else claiming divinity was to be shunned and attacked.

Most concerns of this nature relates to the following two passages of scripture:

1)    Revelation 22:18-19

2)    John 16:13, claiming that since "All truth" was given to the Apostles, we have "all truth" in the Bible.

Resolving the Concern

1)    Revelation 22:18-19

    Find out:    What "book of this prophecy" was John referring to?

                    (most likely they will answer "the Bible")

                    When was the Book of Revelation received?

    Explain:    John wrote the Book of Revelation about 69 A.D

    Find out:    Do you know what John did after receiving the Book of Revelation on the Isle of Patmos?

    Explain:    Later he went to Ephesus where he wrote the "Gospel of John"

                    The bible (Derives from the Greek word "Biblia" meaning books or a collection of books) was not compiled until hundreds of years later. Revelation was placed at the end because it is a revelatory book, whereas the Gospels and Letters are "historical" books.

                    Revelation was not the last book written in the Bible.

    Read:        [Deuteronomy 4:2;12:32]

    Explain:    Since Moses wrote his record, there has been much "add[ed] to the word which [he] commanded", because the rest of "The Bible" came after this.

                    Moses was clearly speaking of adding to or diminishing from his own words only, and he was not condemning the fact that other prophets would write after him.

                    Christ taught that we must live by, "every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God." (Matt. 4:4)

2)    John 16:13

    Explain:    It's true that the Apostles were given "all truth," yet that does not mean that they gave all truth to us. Only a small number of their writings have reached us.

    Read:        [Matthew 13:11]

    Explain:    In order to grow in their knowledge of the "mysteries of the kingdom of heaven" church members were taught to continue "steadfastly in the apostles' doctrine," (Acts 2:42).

    Explain:    All truth is not contained in our present Bible. Bible writers quote "books" that to them were authoritative, yet we do not possess them.


    Read:        [Ezekial 37:15-17]

    Explain:    Background of scripture: At this time the Israelites had been taken into captivity. The Prophet Ezekiel received revelations dealing with the scattering and gathering of Israel.

                    The Lord showed him events that must take place before Israel is gathered.