Lesson 7: The Book of Mormon

Goal: To understand the importance of the Book of Mormon and to do more than just handing the Book of Mormon to investigators and expect them to get an answer. One should develop the ability to use the Book of Mormon effectively as it is the most powerful resource in conversion. Take more thought in the selection of the Book of Mormon that you want your investigators to read.

Two key questions:

Points to ponder:

In chapter 8 of Preach My Gospel, we read of planning meetings. The whole purpose of Preach My Gospel is to focus on commitments, and really, in these planning meetings, we're planning the conversion process of our investigators. However, how do we achieve this? How do we help the investigator to keep the commitments as planned in our planning meeting? The answer lies in the best tool that we have - The Book of Mormon. However, this is only a short answer to the question/problem. Consider the following:

Often on our first encounter with the investigator, we try our best to get to know them and establish trust. Then we address their interests and tie it to the Restoration. Upon the conclusion of the First Discussion, we tell them to read the Book of Mormon, and tell them that after they've read it and asked the Lord whether it is true, they shall receive an answer.

However, how many of our investigators receive an answer immediately? Very few. What shall we do then? Just tell them to pray harder? Do we teach them new things? Do we commit them other commitments? Will they keep any commitments if they have not received any answers? Are we to just teach them Lesson One to Five in 5 appointments and expect them to be baptized?

So what do we do in between the 5 lessons then, and all the appointments that we'll be having before baptism? Read the Book of Mormon? If so, then how do we go about this? Do we just have them read a chapter a night hoping that he/she will eventually get an answer to his/her prayer?

Common 'not so obvious' problems that stop an investigator from getting an answer:

The answer to address Problem 1 lies in PMG p.105. That is, whether it testifies of Christ by affirming the reality of His life, mission, and power.” Hint: 2 Nephi 33, key verses:10-11

Thought experiment: If I were to give you a gun. What would be the easiest way to know whether it was a real gun and not a toy gun? (ans: pull the trigger)

For one to know that the Book of Mormon is true, one can see if it achieves its purpose, that is, if it persuades you to believe in Christ and follow his restored teachings and help you receive revelation, if it helps you draw nearer to God, if it answers your questions of the soul. This is what an investigator should expect. Not some vision, but personal revelation. Another words, what does it mean if the Book of Mormon is true? It means that it is the word of God. And to know whether it is the word of God....(John 7:17)

Back Up for the above statement: “The Light of Christ” PMG p.90 “In answer to the question, ...” PMG p.97

“The Book of Mormon is a springboard to testimony and personal revelation. Use the Book of Mormon to help people have spiritual experiences, especially a witness from the Holy Ghost that the book itself is true.” (PMG p.108)

As for problem 2, consider Alma 22:15-18 and what PMG tells you to do on p.111, that is to help them to “pray sincerely and have real intent”

Please do not take the Book of Mormon for granted. Pray for a vision of how the Book of Mormon can be used more effectively in your mission. I promise that as you do so, your mind will be enlightened with the direction that you should take.” - Elder Joseph B. Wirthlin (PMG. p.110)

Now one way to unlock this 'vision' is really just to apply what's on PMG p.92 - “We must understand what an investigator must feel in order to receive conversion. We must understand how a missionary must feel in order to teach with the converting power of the Spirit.”

Hold an economy version of the Book of Mormon in your hand that is given to you by the missionaries. Pretend that you are an investigator, never heard of the Book of Mormon. You are curious. Pay attention to what thoughts would come into your mind. Write those down.