Lesson 4: Member Missionary Work (Part 2)

“[Thou shalt] work with members of the Church to find people to teach. The ideal situation is when members invite others to be taught and are present for the teaching. When members do this, more people are baptized and remain active in the Church. Association with members is important because it softens people's hearts and often leads them to investigate the restored gospel. This often means that they are brought to the circle of friends off Church members, including active and less-active members, recent converts, and part-member families.

“President Gordon B. Hinckley taught: “So many of us look upon missionary work as simply tracting. Everyone who is familiar with this work knows there is a better way. That way is through the members of the Church. Whenever there is a member who introduces and investigator, there is an immediate support system. The member bears testimony of the truth of the work. He is anxious for the happiness of his investigator friend. He becomes excited as that friend makes progress in learning the gospel.

“The full-time missionaries may do the actual teaching, but the member, wherever possible, will back up that teaching with the offering of his home to carry on this missionary service. He will bear sincere testimony of the divinity of the work. He will be there to answer questions when the missionaries are not around. He will be a friend to the convert who is making a big and often difficult change....The process of bring new people into the Church is not the responsibility alone of the missionaries. They succeed best when members become the source from which new investigators are found.” (PMG p.160)

What does it mean to “find by the spirit?”

It means to have the faith to receive revelation telling you who you should approach, where to be and what to do and what to say.


“Many members of the Church have fears about doing missionary work. Many are unsure where to begin or what to say. Many fear that they will lose close friends if they try to share the gospel with them. There are many ways to help the members. For example, help build their faith by teaching them the message of the Restoration and other doctrines of the lessons. Help them feel the Spirit and power of our message. Strengthening their understanding of the doctrine of Christ will do more to increase their trust in you and to build their excitement to do missionary work than anything else you can do. Help them understand that offering the restored gospel will flow more naturally out of relationships where they are seeking to love and serve their family members and friends. Teach them the principles from the “Go About Doing Good” section of this chapter. Encourage members to “join in fasting and mighty prayer in behalf of the welfare of the souls of those who [know] not God” In all you do with members, seek to lift and build their faith to help them do missionary work.” (PMG p.161)

Appointments with Members:

First Appointment

Second Appointment

Role play scenarios:

(For the following scenarios, think about what the missionary would have to teach and commit)

What does it mean to be successful in Member Missionary Work?

Success doesn't mean you will get referrals. Neither does it mean that there will be baptisms. True success if measured by the effort your members put in to missionary work. As long as they're doing something every day of the week towards missionary work, it is a success, even it is just bringing cookies to their neighbor's front door.

“Your success as a missionary is measured primarily by your commitment to find, teach, baptize, and confirm people and to help them become faithful members of the Church who enjoy the presence of the Holy Ghost.” (PMG p.10)

Topic to Study

Your investigator feels that baptism is just an outward expression of one's desire to follow God, but not an essential ordinance. Show through the scriptures clearly that it is required.