Mission Prep (BYU 67th Ward Winter 2008)

Hi! This is Kieran Tsai, your mission prep teacher. I served in the Australia Melbourne West Mission in the Mandarin Speaking program. I have prepared the following lesson outline/schedule. Mostly just quotes from PMG and conference talks organized in a particular way. At the end of most lessons, there are topics for you to study. I have found through experience, that effective study always start with prayer and your investigator in mind, and a question that he/she has. So I have listed scenarios which I have personally encountered on my mission, of which I have studied in order to address the concern and found them extremely fruitful. However, it is there for your benefit, I will not be following up on them as homework.

As most of the people in class are already or has been in Mission Prep as a credited hour class at school, I will not be doing the same things such as going over outlines, questions...etc. Neither is it my goal to teach you skills, even though we will do quite a bit of role plays and go over a few pointers. MTC and actual field experience will teach you that, since missionaries go into the MTC at various levels of preparedness. They will teach you the basics of teaching, lesson outline...etc Neither is it my goal to encourage people to go on missions. Therefore neither would I just share uplifting stories and quote the standard text book answers like “yeah,...you need to be obedient, read your scriptures, have faith and have the spirit with you...etc” That would probably be boring and repetitive for most of you, and you'd just zone out. My goal is simply to change your perception of missionary work. To correct the mindset if it is not already correct. To impose on you the realities of missionary work, including problems and scenarios you will face. I will surprise you now so that you will not be surprised later in the field. My goal is to emphasize the critical elements of missionary work and to get you to do what most missionaries in the field aren't doing but should do. Another words, to be a Preach My Gospel Missionary.