Resolving Concerns

As a representative for the Savior, Jesus Christ, you will be called upon in many instances to guide our Heavenly Father's children through the many misconceptions and misunderstandings they have gained in their search for answers. They will approache you with a lifetime of experiences and knowledge that you may not easily relate to, nor understand (Preach My Gospel, pg. 187, 4th paragraph). Approach these times carefully and with patience, and know that the spirit will bear witness to their hearts concerning your message; it took them a lifetime to develop these concepts and beliefs into a state where they are comfortable with them. It is not surprising that the will wonder and struggle with what they have been taught by trusted and caring sources. (D&C 123:11-14)


Many of those you encounter may resemble the Apostle-to-be, Saul, in that while they believe they know the truth and are tring their very best to follow it, they have lost the tru path of our Father. The world is designed ot do everything possible to dissuade those who will be of great strength to the church from finding it. (2 Nephi 28:14) In this way, Satan shrouds the world from the light Our Father would give it, and many feel threatened by our position because they have been prepared in this way.


Before studying this section of helps and tips on resolving some of the more common concerns you may encounter, it is highly suggested that you carefully study what Preach My Gospel has to say on this subject (Pg. 106-111, 187), and pray sincerely concerning the individual needs of your investigators as the large majority of concerns they will struggle with will require more than the use of a few simple scriiptures. Commitments, backed by sound doctrine, will be the true key to resolving concerns. As investigators live what they learn, they will understand the doctrine.


The points covered in this section are:


    1)    Add to/Take away from

    2)    Prophets - Need for/Qualifications

    3)    Three Separate Personages/God is a Spirit

    4)    Already been Baptized

    5)    Jehovah is God

    6)    Saved by Grace

    7)    Sabbath worship on the 1st Day

    8)    Must Speak in Tongues

    9)    Polygamy

    10)  We can become Gods

    11)  Anti-Mormon Literature


As with Preach My Gospel, these ideas are not meant to be taught as given here, but to be used for background and understanding. It is written for missionaries. As you treasure up the doctrine of Christ, and come to an understanding of the Gospel, you will be able to handle any concern.


As you teach with these helps, follow the counsel found in Doctrine and Covenants section 50, wherein we are told that "He that is ordained of me and is sent forth to preach the word of truth by the Comforter, in the spirit of truth, doth he preach it by the spirit of truth or some other way?...He that preacheth and he that receiveth, understand one another and both are edified and rejoice together". (D&C 50:19-22) Avoid argument and contention at all costs for such spirits do not come from God.


"And I give unto you this promise, that inasumuch as ye do this the Holy Ghost shall be shed forth in bearing record unto all things whatsoever ye shall say." (D&C 100:7)