The Message

Ponder the brief message, what are the highlights?

Many people today are searching for the purpose in life. They are concerned for their families. They need a sense of belonging and want to feel secure in a world of changing values. Some need relief from feelings of guild and some want peace in this world and we know that the Gospel of Jesus Christ can bless their families, give them the sense of belonging, answer the questions of their souls and help them live a happier life.

Since the beginning of the world, God knew that we needed this Gospel of Jesus Christ and had called many people known as prophets throughout history to make it known to the world, to his sons and daughters. Jesus Christ himself, although a saviour of the world and the centre of the plan, played a prophetic role and preached this same gospel. He gave authority to his disciples and established his church, but just like many times before, people rejected Him and His disciples. People changed their doctrines and established their own churches. Authority from God has also been lost and the fullness of the gospel has been lost.

However, we know that God still loves us today, and has called a prophet in these latter-days to lead us and to guide us. We know also that his merciful plan of happiness has been restored through revealed scriptures, and with the knowledge of the fullness of the gospel restored once again, it has helped our lives to be better and blessed our lives. We know that it can bless yours too.