Lethys the city

Welcome to the city of Lethys, the largest city of Rhakhaan and one of the most active tradingareas in all the Jaiman continent and all over Kulthea.

If you didn´t know, this city is fantasy and connected to the

Shadowworld, which is the old Rolemaster (RM2 or RMC) RPG world.

But the city can be used by its own or in another world,

there are areas for everybody.

So, welcome stranger, into the world of the lethyans.

Read more about the city in the intro part.

This site was made in the 90's and has been down for many years, but their are still a lot of Rolemaster and Shadowworld players out their searching for new sources of information. If this can be any help for anyone I am glad.

//Martin Joabsson - designer of the city and web.

The whole site is now reworked again and all of the internal linking should be working as expected!