14-Years Nominal Roll



Nominal rolls of convicts under fourteen years rule

(a) The Superintendent shall submit through the Superintendent of Police and District Magistrate of the district of conviction, for the consideration and the orders of the State Government under section 432 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 the nominal roll in duplicate of every life convict as soon as the term of imprisonment undergone by the convict together with any remission earned by him under the rules amounts to fourteen years. Immediately on receipt of the roll, the District Magistrate shall move the Court concerned for supplying him with the certified copy of relevant judgment in the case free of cost and record on the roll after consulting through the Superintendent of Police or the District Magistrate of the district of residence, if such district of residence is other than the district of conviction:

(i) His opinion whether there is any objection to the immediate release of the convict.

(ii) If there is any objection to the immediate release of the convict, his suggestion as to the total period of imprisonment inclusive of remissions which the convicts should serve; and,

(iii) A brief account of circumstances of the crime or crimes for which the convict was Convicted.

In the case of convicts convicted in other State the provisions of the role 189 shall also be observed.

The Superintendent shall not be required to submit the nominal roll in case of a prisoner who has already been released on license or otherwise, under the provisions of the United Provisions Prisoners Release on Probation Act,1938 (Act no. 8 of 1938) and the rules made there under or who has applied for such release under the said Act of 1938 and the rules made there under.

The cases of the convicts covered under section 433-A of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 shall be considered under this role after they had served at least fourteen years of imprisonment.

(b) The District Magistrate shall forward the roll to the Director General of Prisons. The rolls received from the districts by the Director General of Prisons shall be considered by an Advisory Committee consisting of:

Director General of Prisons, Uttar Pradesh - Chairman

Joint/Special Secretary to the Government of Uttar Pradesh in Prison Department nominated by the Secretary/Principal Secretary/Additional Chief Secretary Prison. -- Member

Special Secretary to the Government of Uttar Pradesh law Department nominated by the Judicial Secretary. -- Member

Chief Probation Officer. -- Member

Additional Inspector General of Prisons, Uttar Pradesh. -- Member Secretary

If the State Government in any case directs that such convict shall be released after he has served a specified period of sentence or that this case should be re-submitted for consideration after a specified period, then the period should be counted from the date of commencement of the convict’s sentence including the remission, if any.


A life sentence should always be shown as such and not converted into years of imprisonment in the nominal rolls submitted to the State Government.

(00) INDEX_14 Year Nominal Roll

(पहले वाला प्रस्तर)

198. Nominal rolls of convicts under fourteen year roll

(a) The Superintendent shall submit through the Superintendent of Police and District Magistrate of the district of conviction, for the consideration and the orders of the State Government under Section 432 Cr.P.C., the nominal roll in duplicate of every life convict as soon as the term of imprisonment undergone by the convict together with any remission earned by him under the rules amounts to fourteen years. Immediately on receipt of the roll, the District Magistrate shall move the court concerned for supply him with the certified copy of relevant judgment in the case free of cost and record on the roll after consulting through the Superintendent of Police or the District Magistrate of the district of residence, if such district of residence is other than the district of conviction –

(1) his opinion whether there is any objection to the immediate release of the convict,

(2) if there is any objection to the immediate release of the convict, his suggestion as to the total period of imprisonment inclusive of remission which the convicts should serve, and

(3) a brief account of circumstances of the crime or crimes for which the convict was convicted.

In the case of convicts convicted in other State the provisions of the Paragraph 206 shall also be observed:

Provided that the Superintendent shall not be required to submit the nominal roll as aforesaid, in case of a prisoner who has already been released on license or otherwise under the provisions of the U.P. Prisoners Release on Probation Act, 1938 and the rules made there under:

Provided further that in case of convicts covered under Section 433-A of the said Code, the fourteen years of imprisonment shall be counted excluding the period of remission.

(b) The District Magistrate shall forward the roll to the Inspector General of Prisons. The rolls received from the district by the Inspector General of Prisons shall be considered by an Advisory Committee consisting of –


[Short title and commencement – (1) These rules may called the Uttar Pradesh Jail Manual (Seventh Amendment ) Rules, 1992.

(2) They shall come into force immediately.

2. Amendment of rules contained in Para 198 – In the rules relating to Remission System and Premature Release contained in Chapter VIII of the U.P. Jail Manual in the rule contained in Paragraph 198, in Clause (6), the following note shall be inserted at the end, namely –

“Note- Three members shall form the Quorum of a meeting of the advisory committee.”]

(c) If the State Government in any case direct that such convict shall be released after he has served a specified period of sentence or that his case should be resubmitted for consideration after a specified period then the period should be counted from the date of commencement of the convict sentence including the remission, if any.

Note – A life sentence should always be shown as such and not converted into years of imprisonment in the nominal rolls submitted to the State Government.

धारा 432 दण्ड प्रक्रिया संहिता के अन्तर्गत शेष सजा का परिहार -

(14 वर्षीय नामिनल रोल एवं रिवाइजिंग बोर्ड)

धारा 432 सी.आर.पी.सी. के अन्तर्गत राज्य सरकार को सजा में छूट (परिहार) देने का अधिकार है। यह छूट अवशेष सजा का आंशिक या पूर्ण हो सकती है। शेष सजा का परिहार करके रिहाई दो श्रेणियों में रखी जा सकती है - (क) आजीवन कारावास के मामले (ख) निश्चित अवधि के कारावास के मामले।

(क) आजीवन कारावास के मामले :- (14 वर्षीय नामिनल रोल)

दण्ड प्रक्रिया संहिता तथा जेल मैनुअल के अनुसार जिन मामलों में धारा 433-ए लागू होती है उनमें बन्दी 14 वर्ष वास्तविक (अपरिहार) तथा अन्य मामलों में 14 वर्ष सपरिहार सजा भोग लेने पर रिहाई पर विचार किये जाने का पात्र हो जाता है। पात्र व्यक्तियों के नामिनल रोल (14 वर्षीय) अधीक्षक/वरिष्ठ अधीक्षक कारागार द्वारा टिप्पणी हेतु जिलाधिकारी को भेजे जाते हैं। जिलाधिकारी सम्बन्धित न्यायालय से निर्णय की प्रति प्राप्त करेंगे। वे पुलिस अधीक्षक से रिपोर्ट प्राप्त करके अपनी रिपोर्ट अंकित करने के बाद नामिनल रोल महानिरीक्षक कारागार को भेज देंगे तथा पृष्ठांकन पत्र (Covering letter) की एक प्रति अधीक्षक, कारागार को भी देंगे।

शासनादेश संखया 1658/22-2-2004-25(94)/97 दिनांक 06 सितम्बर, 2004 में जिलाधिकारी/पुलिस अधीक्षक की रिपोर्ट हेतु निम्नवत्‌ समय अवधि तय की गयी है -

नामिनल रोल/फार्म-ए प्राप्त होने के 15 दिन के भीतर सम्बन्धित पुलिस अधीक्षक तथा जिला प्रोबेशन अधिकारी (यथा स्थिति) द्वारा अपनी आखया/संस्तुति सहित नामिनल रोल/फार्म-ए सम्बन्धित जिला मजिस्टे्रट को उपलब्ध करा दिया जायेगा।

पुलिस अधीक्षक तथा जिला प्रोबेशन अधिकारी की आखया/संस्तुति प्राप्त होने के एक सप्ताह के भीतर सम्बन्धित जिला मजिस्टे्रट द्वारा अपनी आखया/संस्तुति सहित नामिनल रोल/फार्म-ए महानिरीक्षक, कारागार प्रशासन एवं सुधार सेवायें, उ0प्र0, लखनऊ को प्रेषित कर दिये जायेंगे।

धारा 432 सी.आर.पी.सी. के अन्तर्गत रिहाई के मामलों में उच्चतम न्यायालय एवं उच्च न्यायालय, इलाहाबाद के कतिपय महत्वपूर्ण निर्णयों के उद्धरण जिलाधिकारियों एवं पुलिस अधीक्षकों के मार्ग दर्शन हेतु नीचे दिये जा रहे हैं ।

“The conduct of the prisoner while in jail is an important factor to be considered as to whether he has lost his potentiality in committing crime due to long period of detention. The views of the witnesses who were examined during trial and the people of the locality cannot determine whether prisoner would be a danger to the locality, if released prematurely. This has to be considered keeping in view the conduct of the Prisoners during the period they were undergoing sentence.”

Zahid Hussain and other Vs State of W.B. & others AIR 2001 SC 1312: (2001) 3 SCC 750

"That the convict has" no source of means of living" is not a valid ground for refusal for premature release"

“The prisoner” may commit a crime after release" is a hypothetical ground and not a valid ground for refusal"

Kansi Ram Vs State of U.P-1990 SCC (cri) 536

"In a case the request for premature release was rejected by the Review Board on the following grounds, it was held that the grounds of rejection were not sustainable.

a. police report is adverse;

b. the convicts are not over-aged persons and as such have not lost the potentiality in committing crime;

c. since other co-convicts were trying to come out from jail, there was a possibility of regrouping for antisocial activities;

d. the offence was not an individual act of crime but was affecting society at large;

e. convicts were anti-social; and

f. the witnesses who had deposed at the trial as well as local people were Apprehensive of retaliation in the event of premature release."

रिहाई में उम्र बाधक नहीं होनी चाहिये। उम्र धारा 432 दं0प्र0सं0 के अन्तर्गत शर्त नहीं रही है मात्र काटी गई कारावास की अवधि एवं आचरण ही ध्यान में रखे जाते रहे हैं।

"Age alone can not be a factor while considering whether the prisoner has still potentiality of committing crime or not................."

Zahid Hussain and others Vs State of W.B. & others AIR 2001 SC 1312: (2001) 3 SCC 750

बन्दी को कारागार के अंदर बूढ़ा करके बेकार कर देना सजा का उद्‌देश्य नहीं है। बन्दी को "Reclaiming as a useful member of society" भी एक महत्वपूर्ण आधार है। राष्ट्रीय मानव अधिकार आयोग ने समस्त राज्यों के मुखय सचिवों/प्रशासकों को अपने दिनांक 26 सितम्बर, 2003 के पत्र में भी ऐसी ही संस्तुतियॉं की हैं।

रिपोर्ट अंकित करते समय ध्यान देने योग्यः-

जिलाधिकारी एवं पुलिस अधीक्षक को अपनी रिपोर्ट देते समय ध्यान देना चाहिये कि रिहाई का विरोध मात्र विヤािद्गट आधार होने पर ही किया जाये। थाना प्रभारियों को इस विषय में भली भॉंति ब्रीफ कर दिया जाना चाहिये कि वे बिना आधार अंकित किये हर मामले में विरोध न करें। यदि कोई विशेष तथ्य प्रतिकूल हों तभी विरोध किया जाये और तब उन प्रतिकूल तथ्यों को आधार सहित अंकित किया जाये।