Iron Mountain Baronial Lineage



1. AS XII (1977) - AS XVII (1983)

Louis de l'Anguille

Morgana de l'Anguille

2. AS XVII (1983) - AS XIX (1985)

Robert Hightower

3. AS XII (1986) - AS XVII (1994)

Cipriano d'Alvarez

Aelfrida Gruemach

4. AS XXVIII (1994) - AS XXXIV (1999)

Jean-Claude von Adlerstaat

Jamys Ellyn Rothesay of Bannatyne Hall

(called Jamyslyn)

5. AS XXXIV (1999) - AS XLII (2008)

Kojin the Wayfarer

Margery of Crosgate

(called Marsali)

6. AS XLII (2008) - AS XLVI (2011)

Killian the Black

Katherine of the Wode

7. AS XLVI (2011) - AS L (2015)

François le Souris

Lucilla da Cefalu

(called Knife Thrower)

8. AS L (2015)

Bjorn the Hunter

Genevieve Alaiz
