
If heavy combat is too much for you, there is another style of combat pursued in the SCA, and that is rapier.

Rapier is Dueling, much like modern fencing http://www.meridianrapier.org/

Or, you might see this called light combat -- as opposed to heavy combat which is fought with a different style of battle, and thus, heavier armor requirements than with light.

Ever seen the Three Musketeers? It's a story, but it's based on actual history, in 17th century France. So if it comes to mind when you think of rapier fighting in the SCA, you're thinking right!

Yes, Youth may participate in Rapier as well! Please see the Meridies link above for details.

More information -

Interest group - http://groups.yahoo.com/group/SCA-Rapier

Facebook group -

Society: https://www.facebook.com/groups/rapier.meridies/

Kingdom: https://www.facebook.com/groups/rapier.meridies/

The White Scarf - https://www.facebook.com/pages/The-White-Scarf/163378122299?ref=ts&fref=tsNews

a Known World (meaning SCA-society wide) discussion group for the Rapier community

A collection of related emails -- http://www.florilegium.org/files/COMBAT-RAPIER/idxcombat-r.html