Chapter 6 Study Guide

SOC 201A

Chapter 6

Study Guide

  1. deviance
  2. deviant subculture
  3. norm
  4. sanction
  5. positive formal sanction
  6. negative formal sanction
  7. positive informal sanction
  8. negative informal sanction
  9. laws
  10. crime
  11. biological view of deviance
  12. recent study that investigated whether a child’s propensity for aggression was linked to biological factors present at birth
  13. psychological view of deviance
  14. What do contemporary sociological theories about crime emphasize in their definitions of conformity and deviance?
  15. anomie
  16. functionalist theory of deviance
  17. According to Robert Merton, at a time when society as a whole is becoming more affluent, why do crime rates continue to rise?
  18. conformists
  19. innovators
  20. ritualists
  21. retreatists
  22. Albert Cohen
  23. Richard A. Cloward and Lloyd E. Ohlin
  24. differential association theory
  25. control theory
  26. conflict theory
  27. labeling theory
  28. secondary deviance
  29. Critics argue that one of the drawbacks of using the Uniform Crime Reports to measure crime is what?
  30. National Crime Victimization Survey
  31. According to the textbook, violent crime is more common where?
  32. While the rate of violent crime has been declining in the United States since the 1990s, it is still relatively high in comparison to other industrialized countries. What is one reason often given to explain the relatively high violent crime rate?
  33. Who are more likely to be victims and perpetrators of crime?
  34. According to the textbook, at what age is a person most likely to be arrested for a crime?
  35. According to the textbook, why is there widespread panic about youth criminality?
  36. white-collar crime
  37. corporate crime
  38. organized crime
  39. Manuel Castells
  40. Countries with the highest incarceration rates
  41. The New Jim Crow, Michelle Alexander
  42. Americans’ beliefs about capital punishment
  43. laws allowing capital punishment are compared internationally
  44. According to the textbook, the prison population has grown so much that what is being done to accommodate it?
  45. Devah Pager
  46. According to the textbook, a key reason that New York’s “stop and frisk” policy was banned by a federal judge was what?
  47. Punished, Victor Rios
  48. According to the textbook, police work traditionally consisted of controlling crime. Increasingly, however, police officers are more accurately described as what?
  49. broken windows theory
  50. community policing
  51. target hardening
  52. shaming
  53. impact of crime and incarceration in the United States