Chapter 4 Study Guide

SOC 201A

Chapter 4

Study Guide

  1. Erving Goffman
  2. civil inattention
  3. Paul Ekman and W. V. Friesen, Facial Action Coding System
  4. face-to-face communication
  5. nonverbal communication
  6. impression management
  7. social position, social status
  8. social roles
  9. social positions, general and specific
  10. unfocused interaction
  11. focused interaction
  12. encounters, opening
  13. audience segregation
  14. interactional vandalism
  15. social context
  16. ethnomethodology, Harold Garfinkel, background expectancies
  17. conversation analysis
  18. response cry
  19. Edward T. Hall, personal space
  20. regionalization
  21. Lenhart (2015)
  22. Boden and Molotch (1994), compulsion of proximity
  23. time-space
  24. clock-time
  25. Elijah Anderson, cosmopolitan canopy
  26. Carol Brooks Gardner
  27. Streetwise: Race, Class, and Change in an Urban Community (1990), Elijah Anderson
  28. micro-level institutional analysis