Midterm 3 study guide

Midterm 3

Social Problems

Study guide – Race, ethnicity, and immigration

1. Which of group exhibits the strongest preference for same-race neighbors?

2. What are the racial categories that the U.S. Census uses?

3. What is Jim Crow?

4. What is institutional discrimination?

5. Give examples of institutional discrimination.

6. When middle-income black families move into white neighborhoods, what is their experience?

7. What happens when African Americans become successful?

8. Ellis Cose in The Rage of the Privileged Class found that many successful African Americans confront what?

9. The group with the highest percentage of bachelor’s degrees is?

10. The main reasons that immigrants cluster in ethnic enclaves are?

11. Know the arguments made by William J. Wilson

12. Know what Elijah Anderson discussed in his book called Code of the Street.

13. According to William J. Wilson, what is the relationship between culture and structure in the inner city?

14. What is assimilation?

15. What arguments are made by proponents of “English Only” laws?

16. What is ethnocentrism?

17. Know the ideas of color-blind racism.

18. What is a stereotype?

19. What is racism?

20. Ongoing segregation in the United States is driven what factors?

Study guide - gender

Women Don't Ask: Negotiation and the Gender Divide. Linda Babcock & Sara Laschever

1. According to Linda Babcock, are women better at negotiating salaries and raises than men?


2. West and Zimmerman propose what?

3. The number of female Senators in the US Senate is?

4. Dr. M. Gigi Durham’s book The Lolita Effect asserts that there are several myths about young girls and the media. What are they?

5. Historically, what has been true about gender and religion?

6. According to the text, feminists believe what?

7. The efforts of Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton helped lead to what?

8. Discuss the third wave of the feminist movement.

9. What has happened to the percentage of women attending college?

10. As men and women achieve higher levels of education, the income gap between them has what?

11. Employers are likely to perceive mothers as what? Answer (from the recommended reading on "Getting a Job") The laboratory experiment found that mothers were penalized on a host of measures, including perceived competence and recommended starting salary.

12. The number-one killer of women in the United States is what?

13. What do feminists seek to achieve?

14. The difference between liberal feminists and radical feminists is what?

15. What are examples of abuse?

16. What is the terms for the biological makeup of males and females, especially in terms of their reproductive organs and bodily structures, is termed:

17. The social system in which men control the majority of power and exert authority over women and children is called what?

18. From 1980 to 2012, median hourly earnings (in 2012 dollars) for women has what?

19. Society’s expectations of how males and females should think and act is called what?

20. Functionalist see gender as hallmarked by what?

Study guide - Chapter 13. Crime

1. Know the types of violent crimes

2. The majority of crime behavior is perpetrated between what ages?

3. Know about the demographics of criminal behavior

4. What percentage of those in state and federal prisons are men?

5. Of the people arrested in the United States, what percent are African Americans?

6. David Cole, in his book No Equal Justice, found what?

7. Compare the homicide rate in the US with other countries

8. Stanton Samenow says criminals are liable to do what?

9. The American Psychiatric Association claims that criminals are what?

10. According to anomie theory, why do people commit crimes?

11. According to conflict theory, why do people commit crimes?

12. According to Gottfredson and Hirschi, why do people commit crimes?

13. According to Travis Hirschi, what are the four social bonds that affect personal restraint?

14. The Dutch criminologist Willem Bonger believes that capitalism causes crime because it encourages people to be what?

15. Jeffrey Reiman argues that in capitalism, the rich are what?

16. According to Robert Agnew, what are the three sources of strain?

17. Know the sociological theories of criminal behavior