Chapter 7 (revised)

caste system

class system

Karl Marx



surplus value

Max Weber: status, class, power

Kingsley Davis and Wilbert E. Moore

From 1977 to 2016, the richest 20 percent saw its income rise ______, while the poorest 20 percent saw its income rise by ______.



social class and educational attainment

occupational prestige

social class

upper class


“old money,” “new wealth”

lower middle class

working class

economic globalization

lower class


gap between rich and poor in the United States

Latino household income

social mobility

intergenerational mobility

intragenerational mobility

Peter Blau and Otis Dudley Duncan

William Sewell and Robert Hauser

Pierre Bourdieu

cultural capital

downward mobility

relative poverty

absolute poverty

poverty line

feminization of poverty

rates of child poverty

elderly people, poverty

Social Security

poverty, structural factors

culture of poverty

social exclusion

economic recession that began in 2008