Animal Ministries

The Animal Ministries Group of First Congregational Church held its first meeting on Sunday, January 19, 2014 and was formed with the following goals in mind. Because it is not an official ministry group of the church as required by its governance, the group is open to anyone, whether a part of FCC or not. 

In conjunction with the Faith Outreach program of The Humane Society of the United States, the Animal Ministries group at First Congregational Church celebrates the blessing of animals in our lives. We also seek to engage people and institutions of faith with animal protection issues, on the premise that religious values call upon us all to act in a kind and merciful way towards all creatures. We believe this also includes caring for not just our own pets, but those of others, and cherishing and loving them as God cherishes and loves us.

The group initially formed with an eye toward providing multiple services for pet owners (and others, such as in nursing homes, etc.), and to do things that overall would be for the greater good of all animals, not just people's family pets. More specifically, we sought to: 


Since our inception, we have accomplished a number of things, as outlined below: 

We are passionate about our pets and animals in general and warmly encourage anyone who feels the same way, either within our church family, or elsewhere in the community (regardless of denomination or one's own personal spiritual journey), to join us in our efforts and work. In the meantime, we thank everyone for their generosity and support in helping animals, pets and the people who love and own them.

Anyone wanting to join the Animal Ministries group, or get more information about it, is invited to call the group facilitator, Cheryl Hentz at (920) 209-PETS (7387) or email her at