JESUS MAFA. The Sermon on the Mount, from Art in the Christian Tradition, a project of the Vanderbilt Divinity Library, Nashville, TN. [retrieved February 11, 2025]. Original source: (contact page: 

Join us for our Sunday Worship

This Sunday

is the Sixth Sunday After Epiphany 

Lorie Hadel and Sarah Dempsey are the greeters.

Tom and Janet Zak are the ushers. 

AbbyTercha is the youth reader 

and Sally Josephson is the liturgist.

Rev. Julie will reflect on:

A Level Place 

Worship Starts at 10:00 AM

We worship in person and via live streaming on our website and our YouTube Channel at

Click the photos above to view on YouTube.
Visit our YouTube Channel at -

FCC Announcements for the week of
February 16 2025

First Congregational Church is a caring, compassionate community with a dynamic spiritual environment. As a welcoming and diverse community of faith, we commit to love God, ourselves, and others by more fully ministering to and within creation.

No matter who you are or where you are on life's journey, you are welcome here!

First Congregational Church is now a Cool Congregation

In January, Interfaith Power and Light  certified our church as a Cool Congregation at the 20% carbon reduction level.   Due to  energy efficiency improvements and installation of solar panels,  our church  cut annual  greenhouse gas  emissions by nearly 28 tons. Thanks goes to the many people involved in this effort to care for creation. Our  story is shared at  Interfaith Power and Light supports faith communities across the nation to care for creation.   You  can learn more about Interfaith Power and Light's Cool Congregations program online at



Other Resources


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FCC Building & Property Usage Form 2023.pdf