
Ruler(s): Charles XII (Karl XII) up to 1718; Ulrica Eleanor (Ulrika Eleonora) 1718-1720; Frederick I (of Hessen) 1720-1751; Adolph Frederick 1751–1771; Gustav III 1771-1792


    • Location: next to country x, on border with y etc

    • Capital: Stockholm

    • Languages: Swedish, Finnish, Lapp, German

    • Religion: Protestant (Lutheran)

    • Government: Constitutional monarchy

    • Population: 1,749,000 (1749 census)

    • Trade: to be compiled.

    • Maps: not available.

    • Places of Interest: to be compiled.


    • Principal Agressor States : Russia and Prussia


    • Army - at the beginning of the Seven Years' War, the Swedish army numbered some 48,000 men (excluding staff, officers, NCOs and musicians) divided up as follows:

      • 35,000 Foot , 10,000 Horse, 3,000 Artillery

    • Navy

To be compiled