Byzantium (reconstituted)


  • Emperor Bob XXI, Protector of the Divine Mistress, Lead Worshipper of the Moon Goddesses. (The Emperor is currently in Europa, ultimately to return to Byzantium with the new fleet as purchased from England and the United Provinces).

  • Empress Theodora (the Bold), Divine Mistress, Commander of the Amazon Corps (Currently in Constantinople as head of state)


      • Imperial Family :

      • Constantine (19), Flag Lt. to Admiral Sailfast, Heir to the Throne

      • Belasarius (17), Ensign in the Royal Regiment of Foot, Third in line to throne (with the Emperor in Europa)

      • John (15), Coronet in the Royal Regiment of Horse, Fifth in line to throne

Ministers and Commanders

    • Georgus Cappadocia - Minister of State (in Constantinople)

      • Anna (18), Lt. in the Amazon Corps, Second in line to the throne

      • Sophia (16), Ensign in the Amazon Corps, Fourth in line to the throne

      • Justinian (12), Theodosius (10), Maurice (9), George (7), Mary (6)

    • John Skylites - Minister of War (in Constantinople)

    • Theodor Bucellarion - Minister of the Interior (in Constantinople)

    • Letsmaka Deel - Minister of Trade (in Stollen as acting Ambassador)

    • Ali Oli Oxenfrei - Grand Vizer, Beloved of the Moon Goddesses, Nanny to the Royal Horde (in Alzheim as acting Ambassador)

    • Admiral Gustawind Sailfast - Admiral of the White Fleet (in Tradgardstadt as acting Ambassador)

    • Admiral John Opsokion - Admiral of the Blue (Home) Fleet (Currently with the Emperor in Europa acting as commander of the six royal regiments, actually naval personnel trained for the new fleet)


    • Location: In the region of Greece, next to the hellespont.

    • Capital: Byzantium.

    • Language: Greek

    • Religion: Christian Orthodox

    • Government: Empire

    • Population: not known.

    • Trade: to be compiled.

    • Maps: not available

    • Places of Interest: to be compiled.


  • No information available


    • Army

To be compiled

    • Navy

To be compiled
