Duchy of Noverre

<no flag available>

Ruler(s): Grand-Duke Douglas


    • Location: The little information on this country has been gleaned from travellers who say it is to the south-west of Wittenberg. Some say it is elsewhere, others that is somewhere else. It lies to the south of Zomverre which is to the west of Wittenberg on th eother side of Monrovia.

    • Capital: not known.

    • Languages: French, German.

    • Religion: not known.

    • Government: Dukedom

    • Population: not known.

    • Trade: to be compiled.

    • Maps: not available

    • Places of Interest: to be compiled.


  • Generally hopes keeps out of the gaze of larger states; Concerns over the designs of Monrovia on Zomverre worry the Grand-Duke.


    • Army

To be compiled

    • Navy

To be compiled

Website: http://noverre.blogspot.com/