Espagna (Spain)

Ruler(s): Philip V (First reign) (1700-1724); Louis (1724); Philip V (Second reign) (1724-1746); Ferdinand VI (1746-1759); Charles III (1759-1788); Charles IV (1788-1808)


    • Location: In the south-west of Europa, France to the North; Africa to the south.

    • Capital: Madrid

    • Languages: Spanish, Catalonian, Galician, Basque

    • Religion: Catholic

    • Government: Kingdom

    • Population: Approximately 9,855,000 inhabitants

    • Trade: to be compiled.

    • Maps: not available - or add here or put in link to other site

    • Places of Interest: to be compiled.


  • On and off Wars with France and others.

  • Rumopurs of rebellion in the north-eastern provinces.


    • Army

To be compiled

    • Navy

To be compiled