
<add country flag here>

Ruler(s): give ruler and titles


  • Royal Family - list of persons ...

  • A N Other - he is a .....

  • etc


    • Location: next to country x, on border with y etc

    • Capital: not known.

    • Language: not known.

    • Religion: not known.

    • Government: not known.

    • Population: not known.

    • Trade: to be compiled.

    • Maps: not available - or add here or put in link to other site

    • Places of Interest:

      • place 1

      • place 2

      • etc


    • Principal Ally: name

Ruler - name/title

<description here>

    • Principal Agressor State : name

Ruler - name/title

<description here, add reason why agressor state ...>

could add a list of their allies as well


    • Army

To be compiled

    • Navy

To be compiled