Kingdom of Poland (&Lithuania)

Ruler(s): in election process! - contenders are:

Jakub - crown prince of recently deceased Jan Sobieski

  • Prince of Conti - a french playboy related to the French Royal Family

  • Augustus the Strong - Saxon elector, as strong as he is ambitious!


  • Royal Family - list of persons ... to be confirmed one election's are done


  • Location: Adjacent to Prussia, Austria-Hungary. Ottoman Empire, Tsardom of Muscovy, Sweden

  • Capital: Warsaw.

  • Language: Polish Lithuanian Ruthenian Jewish.

  • Religion: officially religious freedom, dominantly Catholic, Orthodox Christians and Jews.

  • Government: Nobles Republic.

  • Population: 10 million.

  • Trade: Wheat, Mead, Vudka.

  • Maps:

  • Places of Interest:

    • Krakow- old capital

    • G'dansk- Trading cityl on the Baltic

    • Kiyv, currently loaned to Russia till 1699... or else!


  • Principal Ally: ! We need allies, please apply !

  • Aggressor States:

    • Electorate of Brandenburg-Prussia - Electorate (wanna be king) Friedrich "the Ambitious" -Brandenburg Prussia is a resource poor country and geographically divided by the predominently German part of the Commonwealth... if they can find an excuse to take this territory as well as the rich city of Danzig (G'dansk) then the electorate would fullfill on of it's steps to achieve great power status.

    • Electorate of Saxony - Elector Augustus the strong - A leading state of the German empire, it looks for a means to get the imperial German crown from Austrian hands and into his own. Getting the Polish Throne will couple Saxon know-how with polish wealth and resources and make the Saxon-Polish-Lithuanian commonwealth one of the mightiest states of Europe the Saxon army is typical German. Steady, disciplined, professional.

    • Ottoman Empire - Mustafa "the Ghazi Warrior" - Expand Muslim faith to all corners of the world. And get rich doing it! An eclectic Army, full of heroic if slightly undisciplined warriors follow Mustafa to conquer the known world. Fortunately for the world they are hampered by chaotic government, greed and the good life in the harems.

    • Tsardom of Muscovy (Russia) - Peter "the Great" - Agressor state to Poland Sweden and Turkey. Wants warm water ports, for trade on the Baltic (from Sweden) and on the black Sea (from Turkey). Wants to become the Tsardom of all Rus, and reunite all the ancient kievan Rus states under its control. Unfortunately for the Commonwealth, half of those lands are theirs! Army is strong on stubborn infantry and heavy on artillery. Don't expect excitement from these fellows... just be prepared for lots of them!

    • Kingdom of Sweden - Karl XII "babyface" (just don't say it to his face) For all their agression on the battlefield, the Swedish state is calm and gathering it's strength, wanting to grow and recover it's strength after almost a century of continuous warfare... The Carolean Army is small but mighty. Fast moving and hard-hitting infantry, cavalry who charge and don't trot around, but slightly deficient in artillery.


    • Army, Old style:

  • Navy

none to speak of...


Winged hussars, Pancernys, Dragoons, Cossaks and Valacks, Haiduks, Polish Musketeers, Registered Cossak infantry

Reformed Cavalry: Hussars, Towarczys National Cavalry, Dragoons