Reich Duchy of Beerstein

Ruler(s): Reich Duke Wilhelm


  • Royal Family - Reich Duchess Lynda von Beerstein, Prinz Wilhelm II

  • Baron von Brewswick


    • Location: Located in Upper Hungry, Bounded by the following countries on the circle map: Alzheim, Mieczyslaw, Vulgaria, Lagersburg, Leder-Hosen, and Saxony Saxe-Rachstein

    • Capital: not known.

    • Language: not known.

    • Religion: not known.

    • Government: not known.

    • Population: not known.

    • Trade: Beerstein is recognized for it's excellent Pilsner and other fine beers.

    • Maps: not available - or add here or put in link to other site

    • Places of Interest:

      • National Cathedral

      • University of Pabst

      • Reichstag Chambers

      • Gardens of Hopsberg


    • Principal Allies: Not known

    • Principal Agressor State/Protagonist : Prussia, however any state opposed to Empress Maria Teresa is on the Reich Duke's list.


    • Army

To be compiled

    • Navy

To be compiled
