
Ruler(s): Furst Bruno V, head of the von Ursa family


  • Royal Family - no information available


    • Location: To the west Stagonia, to the south-west the Imperium

    • Capital: not known.

    • Language: not known.

    • Religion: not known.

    • Government: not known.

    • Population: not known.

    • Trade:

      • Even within the Holy Roman Empire (which is, of course, almost totally Germanic), the Principality of Saxe-Bearstein is noted as the source of the finest beers and ales in the world.

      • Also known (although to a much lesser extent) for fine wines and friendly, comfortable Inns, Saxe-Bearstein was one of the few nations to survive the depredations of the Thirty Years War.

    • Maps: not available

    • Places of Interest: not available


    • Principal Allies: Not Known

      • On friendly terms with the Kingdom of Wittenberg

    • Principal Agressor State: Stagonia

    • Ruler - Koenig Maurice von Hirschbock (nicknamed "The Vile")

The country is regarded by the local states to be not fit to be a Duchy, Electorate, Principality, etc.


    • Army

To be compiled

    • Navy

To be compiled
