
<no flag available>

Ruler(s): their graces Fürst Guntram and Fürstin Sieglinde Blauerwolf


    • Location: To the north-east of France; east of the Low Countries.

    • Capital: not known.

    • Language: not known.

    • Religion: not known.

    • Government: not known.

    • Population: not known.

    • Trade: The main trade base is of course dairy-related, with their mastery of goat-based products, from goat's milk and goat cheese to goat-hair blankets, and their own special breed of dairy cows. There are some important mineral products as well.

    • Maps: not available - or add here or put in link to other site

    • Places of Interest:

      • On the religious front, the cathedral of Conradstadt has a prominence derived partially from its connection to the school of divinity at the University and the high regard in which its Bishop, Ulrich Frankel, is held

      • Also of note are the old sanctuary of Ulrichskirche and the village of Nonnenzuflucht which served as a refuge for several orders of nuns during the religious wars, and is sometimes a site of pilgrimage for the sisters in training in certain orders as they learn their history


    • Secondary nations and Aggressor states:

      • Landgraviate of Ober-Schweinsberg: Ruler - Landgraf Arnold/Landgraf Ansgar (disputed/civil war)

    • Bad Nachtschwein League: Ruler - Oberbürgermeister Fritz Abendroth


    • Army

To be compiled

    • Navy

To be compiled

Website: http://hesse-engelburg.blogspot.com/