Kingdom of Leder-Hosen

Ruler(s): King Rupert


  • Royal Family - Rupert and wife Queen Isabelle have three children, Eugene II (26), William (22) and Elspeth (19).


    • Location: Adjacent to the west of the Duchy of Beerstein.

    • Capital: not known.

    • Language: not known.

    • Religion: not known.

    • Government: not known.

    • Population: not known.

    • Trade & Industry:

      • Hosen is renowned for the quality of her Lamb, Mutton and Wool. The pedigree flocks are line-bred, with the details of the lines and animal husbandry kept a closely guarded secret within the sheep farming community. The rich thick wool sheared from the Hosen sheep was also much desired and the sheep industry was probably the most prosperous part of the Hosen economy.

      • Leder has a strong, sound economy based on the timber from her ample pine forests, coal, iron and silver from her mining industry and of late her black powder factories which are working around the clock to keep up with demands from around the world. Black Powder it seems is the mother lode of foreign trade, with the demands from almost everywhere exceeding productivity.

    • Maps: not available

    • Places of Interest:

      • There is a thriving hunting tradition in Leder-Hosen, with wild pig hunting in the pine forests a popular pastime for royalty and the landed gentry alike. Again many come from abroad to relax and hunt here, where the food & wine is excellent and the hunting bountiful. The hunting lodges are seldom vacant and the local taverns do a thriving trade.


    • No information available


    • Army

To be compiled

    • Navy

To be compiled