The Imperium (Austria-Hungary)

Ruler(s): 1740-1780: Empress Maria Theresa and her husband Francis I .


    • Location: Prussia to the North-West; Russia to the North-East

    • Capital: Vienna

    • Languages: German, Hungarian, Croatian, Czech, Slovene, Serbian, Croatian, Italian

    • Religion: Catholic

    • Government: Archduchy

    • Population: not known.

    • Trade: to be compiled.

    • Maps: not available

    • Places of Interest: to be compiled.


  • Always at loggerheads with Prussia

    • At the time of the Seven years' War, the king of Austria was also the Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire and the German Nation. As such, he ruled a loose confederacy of German States. He was also King of Hungary.


    • Army

To be compiled

    • Navy

To be compiled