Ten Commandments of Typography

Copied from Nat Brauns blog ;

  1. Thou shalt not apply more than 3 typefaces in a document.

  2. Thou shalt lay headlines large and at the top of the page.

  3. Though shalt employ no other type size than 8 pt. to 10 pt. for body copy.

  4. Remember that a typeface that is not legible is not truly a typeface.

  5. Honor thy kerning, so that white space becomes visually equalized between characters.

  6. Thou shalt lay stress discreetly upon elements within text.

  7. Thou shalt not use only capitals when setting vast body copy.

  8. Thou shalt always align letters and words on a baseline.

  9. Thou shalt use flush-left ragged-right type alignment.

  10. Thou shalt not make lines too short or too long.