Henry Farrell: When AIs outperform the experts that train them, is that AGI?, Programmable Mutter, 2024-06-26

Gary Marcus: AGI by 2027?, Marcus on AI, 2024-06-05

George V. Neville-Neil: The chess player who couldn't pass the salt, Comm. ACM, 2017-04-01

Erik Brynjolfsson: The Turing Trap: The Promise & Peril of Human-Like Artificial Intelligence, Stanford Digital Economy Lab/Daedalus, 2022-01-12

Blaise Aguera y Arcas: 1011 theses on the concept of nonhuman intelligence, Medium, 2022-09-19

Roger Schank: Intelligent Interactive Advisors: A Proposal for the sort of AI we should be developing

Planning for AGI and beyond, OpenAI, 2023-02-24

OpenAI's "Planning For AGI And Beyond", Astral Codex Ten, 2023-03-01

Melanie Mitchell: Why the Abstraction and Reasoning Corpus is interesting and important for AI, AI: A Guide for Thinking Humans, 2023-03-01

Gary Marcus: The Sparks of AGI? Or the End of Science?, The Road to AI We Can Trust, 2023-03-24

Gary Marcus: AI risk ≠ AGI risk, The Road to AI We Can Trust, 2023-03-28

A misleading open letter about sci-fi AI dangers ignores the real risks, AI Snake Oil, 2023-03-30

Gary Marcus: The Open Letter Controversy, The Road to AI We Can Trust, 2023-03-30

Gary Marcus: I am not afraid of robots. I am afraid of people, The Road to AI We Can Trust, 2023-04-02

2023 State of AI in 14 Charts, Stanford HAI, 2023-04-03

When Humans Play God, Gapingvoid, 2023-04-05

Samuel Arbesman: The Monkey's Paw, Norbert Wiener, and the Alignment Problem, Cabinet of Wonders, 2023-04-17

GPT-4, AGI, and the Hunt for Superintelligence, IEEE Spectrum, 2023-04-19

Gary Marcus: How China might crush the West in the race to AGI if we don’t up our regulatory game, The Road to AI We Can Trust, 2023-04-25

Melanie Mitchell: On Evaluating Understanding and Generalization in the ARC Domain, AI: A Guide for Thinking Humans, 2023-05-15

Blaise Agüera y Arcas and Peter Norvig: Artificial General Intelligence Is Already Here, Noema Magazine, 2023-10-10

Reports of the birth of AGI are greatly exaggerated, Marcus on AI, 2023-10-18

Does GPT-4 Pass the Turing Test?, ArXiv, 2023-10-31

Gary Marcus: Nope, the Turing Test has not been solved, Marcus on AI, 2023-12-09

2024 (nyeste først):

Gary Marcus: The Irony and the Agony of Elon Musk's Lawsuit against OpenAI, Marcus on AI, 2024-03-03

Danielle Williams: We’ve been here before: AI promised humanlike machines – in 1958, the Conversation, 2024-02-29

Gary Marcus: Sora’s Surreal Physics, Marcus on AI, 2024-02-14

Gary N. Smith: Computers Still Do Not “Understand”, Mind Matters, 2024-01-09