Mentale problemer

nyeste først, siden blandet dato:

Hugh Breakey: Have smartphones created an ‘anxious generation’? Jonathan Haidt sounds the alarm, the Conversation, 2024-04-28

Is Economic Deprivation the Real Cause of The Adolescent Mental Health Crisis?, Generation Tech, 2024-04-02

David Epstein: "The Anxious Generation", Range Widely, 2024-03-26

Ready or not, AI chatbots are here to help with Gen Z’s mental health struggles, AP News, 2024-03-23

The Anxious Generation  

Jon Haidt and Zach Rausch: It’s Time To Free The Anxious Generation, After Babel, 2024-03-26

Amerikansk psykolog slår alarm: Vil forby smarttelefoner for alle under 14 år, Adressa, 2024-03-19

Redefining Phone Addiction: New Study Shatters Myths, SciTech Daily, 2024-01-06

Revealed: almost half of British teens feel addicted to social media, study says, the Guardian, 2024-01-02

Jean M. Twenge: Have Smartphones Destroyed a Generation?, the Atlantic, 2017-09

10 things to know about how social media affects teens' brains, NPR, 2023-02-16

Jon Haidt: Social Media is a Major Cause of the Mental Illness Epidemic in Teen Girls. Here’s the Evidence, after Babel, 2023-02-22

Jean M. Twenge: Academic Pressure Cannot Explain the Mental Illness Epidemic, After Babel, 2023-03-15

Zach Rausch and Jon Haidt: Responses to comments on: Social Media is a Major Cause of the Mental Illness Crisis, After Babel, 2023-03-15

Zach Rausch and Jon Haidt: The Teen Mental Illness Epidemic is International, Part 1: The Anglosphere, After Babel, 2023-03-29

Online media and the adolescent mental health crisis, VoxEU, 2023-04-09

Jon Haidt and Eli George: Do the Kids Think They’re Alright?, After Babel, 2023-04-12

Jon Haidt: Why Some Researchers Think I’m Wrong About Social Media and Mental Illness, After Babel, 2023-04-17

Zach Rausch and Jon Haidt: The Teen Mental Illness Epidemic is International, Part 2: The Nordic Nations, After Babel, 2023-04-19

Jean M. Twenge: The Mental Health Crisis Has Hit Millennials, After Babel, 2023-04-25

The truth about teens, social media and the mental health crisis, NPR, 2023-04-25

Major psychologists' group warns of social media's potential harm to kids, NPR, 2023-05-09

Jon Haidt and Zach Rausch: Kids Who Get Smartphones Earlier Become Adults With Worse Mental Health, After Babel, 2023-05-15

John Haidt: The Case for Phone-Free Schools (updated links), After Babel, 2023-06-06

Loneliness, Insomnia, Drinking: The Costs of Working With AI Systems, SciTech News, 2023-06-12

Psychological Impacts of Using AI, BBVA Open Mind, 2023-06-08

Play Deprivation Is A Major Cause of the Teen Mental Health Crisis, After Babel, 2023-07-27

The Assaults on our young have reached peak insanity, HART, 2023-08-05

Line Marie Warholm: Studenters psykiske helse: Hva er det som gjør at barna våre blir så lite robuste?, Adressa, 2023-09-26

Knut Erik Aagaard: Oppvekst i Norge  

States sue Meta claiming its social platforms are addictive and harm children’s mental health, AP News, 2023-10-26