Big Brother

"Big Brother is Watching You.

George Orwell (1903-1950)

Center for human rights and global justice, School of Law, New York University

A Real-Time Website Privacy Inspector

Gov Spying Boosts Swiss Data Center Revenues, Forbes, 2013-07-04

Zeynep Tufekci: Engineering the public: Big data, surveillance and computational politics, First Monday, 2014-07-07

Shoshana Zuboff:Big other: Surveillance Capitalism and the Prospects of an Information Civilization, Journal of Information Technology, 2015-03-01

Facebook apologises for psychological experiments on users, the Guardian, 2014-07-02

A disturbing 1995 prediction by Carl Sagan accurately describes America of today, BigThink, 2017-01-25

Driftet Nødnettet ulovlig fra India, NRK, 2017-02-07

1984: Learning to love Big Brother, Limelight, 2017-05-03

Helse Sør-Øst: Innrømmer at utenlandske IT-arbeidere fikk tilgang til sensitive pasientdata, NRK, 2017-05-03

Corporate Surveillance in Everyday Life , Cracked Life, June 2017

On Internet Privacy, be very afraid, Harvard Gazette, 2017-08-24

'Our minds can be hijacked': the tech insiders who fear a smartphone dystopia, the Guardian, 2017-10-06

Six ways (and counting) that big data systems are harming society, the Conversation, 2017-12-07

The punk rock internet – how DIY ​​rebels ​are working to ​replace the tech giants, the Guardian, 2018-02-01

Algoritmerna som styr vår vardag, Tidningen Curie, 2018-03-20

U.S. plans to require visa applicants' social media info, XinhuaNet, 2018-03-30

The Multi-Billion Dollar Industry That Makes Its Living From Your Data, Visual Capitalist, 2018-04-14

Facebook er upåvirket av skandalen, Øyvind Østerud i Aftenposten, 2018-05-18

Sitting target: Are your internet-connected devices spying on you?, UNSW BusinessThink, 2018-06-20, The New Atlantis, Spring 2018

Decentralisation: the next big step for the world wide web, the Guardian, 2018-09-02

Amazon-kartellet,, 2018-11-06

Alarm over talks to implant UK employees with microchips, the Guardian, 2018-11-11

How much do you know about the personal data you give up online? Take this quiz to find out, Quartz, 2018-11-26

Nothing Can Stop Google. DuckDuckGo Is Trying Anyway., Medium, 2019-01-15

'The goal is to automate us': welcome to the age of surveillance capitalism, the Guardian, 2019-01-20

Life Without the Tech Giants, Gizmodo, 2019-01-22 (GOODBYE BIG FIVE)

Huawei, 5G and the Fourth Industrial Revolution, UNZ Review, 2019-01-29

Kampen mot Huawei handler om mye mer enn overvåking, Steigan, 2019-02-05

Google, fake news, and the crisis of truth, AsiaTimes, 2019-02-12

Facebook is out of control and politicians have no idea what to do, the Guardian, 2019-02-18

High tech is watching you, interview with Shoshana Zuboff, The Harvard Gazette, 2019-03-04

'Minority Report' gets real as Japan startup develops AI cameras to spot shoplifters before they steal, Japan Times, 2019-03-05

Memes Could Be Filtered Out by EU Copyright Law, DW, 2019-03-12

The global battle for the internet is just starting, the Guardian, 2019-03-25

How I learned to stop worrying and love surveillance capitalism, TechNode, 2019-03-25

Tim Wu: How Capitalism Betrayed Privacy, New York Times, 2019-04-10

Japanese medical school adopts facial recognition-based attendance system, Japan Times, 2019-04-11

Opinion: Amazon's Alexa lies to — and spies on — consumers, DW, 2019-04-14

How Much Data is Generated Each Day?, Visual Capitalist, 2019-04-15

Safeguards for human studies can’t cope with big data, Nature, 2019-04-15

Western governments enter uncharted territory as they grapple with problem of harmful content on social media, South China Morning Post, 2019-04-15

Apple Cracks Down on Apps That Fight iPhone Addiction, New York Times, 2019-04-27

Overvåkerne druknet i data fra mobiltelefonene. Nå legges et av verdens største spionprogram ned, Aftenposten, 2019-04-28

It’s the middle of the night. Do you know who your iPhone is talking to?, Washington Post, 2019-05-28

Corporate Technologies and the Tech Nirvana Fallacy, ECGI Working Paper Series in Law, May 2019

Edward Snowden: With Technology, Institutions Have Made 'Most Effective Means of Social Control in the History of Our Species', Common Dreams, 2019-05-31

De kan med noen tastetrykk ta livet av selskaper og produkter. Er du beredt?, Aftenposten, 2019-06-04

Tech companies collect our data every day, but even the biggest datasets can’t solve social issues, the Conversation, 2019-06-06

If Facebook or Google create their own currency, they can control our lives, the Guardian, 2019-06-24

Algorithmic Governance and Political Legitimacy, American Affairs, Volume III, Number 2, Summer 2019

When smart devices pass secrets to the police, DW, 2019-06-14

How Digital Advertising Markets Really Work, The American Prospect, 2019-06-24

This Is How You're Being Manipulated, Gizmodo, 2019-06-25

Snowden: “Mass Surveillance Isn’t About Public Safety. It’s About Power.”, Bitcoin Magazine, 2019-06-27

Shoshana Zuboff: It’s not that we’ve failed to rein in Facebook and Google. We’ve not even tried, the Guardian, 2019-07-02

The decentralized web, MIT Media Lab, The Center for Civic Media and The Digital Currency Initiative

Black Mirror: 1984-Like Authoritarian Blockchains are a Real Thing, Blockonomi, 2019-07-26

A creeping surveillance net over India, Asia Times, 2019-07-27

The Effects of Participatory Propaganda: From Socialization to Internalization of Conflicts, JoDS, 2019-08-07

Google sporer deg, sjøl når telefonen din er i flymodus, Steigan, 2019-08-16

Silicon Valley wants to read your mind – here’s why you should be worried, the Conversation, 2019-08-16

First day at university in China now means a face scan to enrol, South China Morning Post, 2019-08-22

Edward Snowden: Germany a 'primary example' of NSA surveillance cooperation, DW, 2019-09-17

The Game of Life: Visualizing China’s Social Credit System, Visual Capitalist, 2019-09-18

JARON LANIER FIXES THE INTERNET, the New York Times, 2019-09-23

Edward Snowden: Without encryption, we will lose all privacy. This is our new battleground, the Guardian, 2019-10-15

Surveillance, Companionship, and Entertainment: The Ancient History of Intelligent Machines, MIT Press Reader, 2021-11-24

 Jennifer Mercieca: We are all propagandists now, the Conversation, 2021-07-20

Samuel C. Woolley : Digital Propaganda: The Power of Influencers, Journal of Democracy, 2022-07 (PDF

Renée DiResta: The New Media Goliaths, Noema, 2023-06-01


Tech Companies Are Destroying Democracy and the Free Press, New York Times, 2019-10-17

Storebror ser deg – og får deg til å oppføre deg annerledes, Forskning, 2019-10-22

Israeli spyware: WhatsApp hack raises global fears, Asia Times, 2019-11-04

The Privacy Paradox, Luohan Academy, November 2019

The sovereign state of Facebook, Axios, 2019-11-01

Hackers Can Silently Control Your Google Home, Alexa, Siri With Laser Light, The Hacker News, 2019-11-05

What Is Device Fingerprinting And How Does It Work?, ClearCode

In 2020, we need to fight the new thoughtpolice, Frank Furedi, 2019-12-26

Datakjempene stjeler våre liv, John O. Egeland i Dagbladet, 2020-01-11

Exclusive: Apple dropped plan for encrypting backups after FBI complained - sources, Reuters, 2020-01-21

Op mod 1.000 danskeres sms'er endte hos politiet: Telenor stod bag fejlen, DR, 2020-01-28

Trump is the real threat to the West, not Huawei, Asia Times, 2020-02-19

An awakening over data privacy, Harvard Gazette, 2020-02-27

Inside Dominic Cummings’s coronavirus meeting with big tech, Wired, 2020-03-12

PST og E-tjenesten tause om Clearview, Resett, 2020-03-19

EOS-utvalget: PST registrerte stortingsrepresentanter som var med i vennskapsgruppe, Aftenposten, 2020-03-31

We Mapped How the Coronavirus Is Driving New Surveillance Programs Around the World, OneZero, 2020-04-09

Flaw in iPhone, iPads may have allowed hackers to steal data for years, Reuters, 2020-04-22

Neoliberalism is over – welcome to the era of neo-illiberalism, OpenDemocracy, 2020-05-07

Naomi Klein: How big tech plans to profit from the pandemic, the Guardian, 2020-05-13

Wayback Machine Latest Victim of Big Tech Consolidation and Censorship, MintPress, 2020-05-22

Inside the NSA’s Secret Tool for Mapping Your Social Network, Wired, 2020-05-24

Rema-app kan misbrukes til overvåking, NRK, 2020-06-05

Narrative Control Operations Escalate As America Burns, Caitlin Johnstone - Medium, 2020-06-13

Etterretningsloven: Nå starter masseovervåkingen, Steigan, 2020-06-14

The Internet’s New Arms Dealers: Malicious Domain Registrars, Awake Security, 2020-??-??

Exclusive: Massive spying on users of Google's Chrome shows new security weakness, Reuters, 2020-06-18

Inside the Invasive, Secretive “Bossware” Tracking Workers, EFF, 2020-06-30

Censorship by billionaires, applauded by the left, Spiked, 2020-07-02

A hidden world, growing beyond control, Washington Post, 2010-07-19

NSA files – live coverage of all developments and reaction, Guardian, 2013-12-05

Fra nyttår blir dataene dine lagret. Milliardprosjektet er «for hemmelig» til at det ble kvalitetssikret på vanlig måte, Aftenposten, 2020-07-27

Congressman Says The Markup Investigation Proves Google Has Created a “Walled Garden”, the Markup, 2020-07-29

Is Silicon Valley Nudging Us Towards an Authoritarian Future?, Institute of New Economic Thinking, 2020-07-29

U.S. lawmakers accuse Big Tech of crushing rivals to boost profits, Japan Times, 2020-07-30

Amazon says police demands for customer data have gone up, Tech Crunch, 2020-07-30

The Great Firewall of Washington and Its Consequences, Strategic Culture, 2020-08-14

Amazon Is a Private Government. Congress Needs to Step Up, the Atlantic, 2020-08-19

Hackers Leak Alleged Internal Files of Chinese Social Media Monitoring Firms, Vice Motherboard, 2020-08-21

The Greatest Enemy of Truth, SHIFT, 2020-08-21

The Conscience of Silicon Valley, GQ, 2020-08-24

Modern spy satellites in an age of space wars, DW, 2020-08-25

FE-skandale omhandler tophemmeligt spionagesamarbejde med USA,, 2020-08-27

DET FEJAS PÅ GOLVET FÖR MR. BEZOS, Mikael Nyberg, 2020-09-02

Your Smartphone Can Tell If You’re Drunk-Walking, Wired, 2020-09-07

China to launch initiative to set global data-security rules: WSJ, Reuters, 2020-09-08

Google Supplying Police User Information Based On Keyword Searches – Report, Deadline, 2020-10-10

Five Eyes group demands ‘backdoor’ access to WhatsApp and other encrypted apps, SCMP, 2020-10-12

The Man Who Speaks Softly—and Commands a Big Cyber Army, Wired, 2020-10-13

Why Getting Paid for Your Data Is a Bad Deal, EFF, 2020-10-26

What AI College Exam Proctors Are Really Teaching Our Kids, Wired, 2020-10-28

Police Will Pilot a Program to Live-Stream Amazon Ring Cameras, EFF, 2020-11-03

Report Claims CIA Controlled Second Swiss Encryption Firm, Agence France Presse, 2020-11-27

No Escape From Our Techno-Feudal World, the Saker, 2020-12-03

Augmented Reality and the Surveillance Society, IEEE Spectrum, 2020-12-17

Some UK Stores Are Using Facial Recognition to Track Shoppers, Wired, 2020-12-20

With Hacking, the United States Needs to Stop Playing the Victim, New York Times, 2020-12-23

Overvåkingskapitalismen tar rotta på oss!, Argument Agder, 2021-01-28

Congress Escalates Pressure on Tech Giants to Censor More, Threatening the First Amendment, Glenn Greenwald, 2021-02-20

How to poison the data that Big Tech uses to surveil you, MIT TEchnology Review, 2021-03-05


MI5 involvement in drone project revealed in paperwork slip-up, Guardian, 2021-03-06

What’s Up with the Apple App Store’s PrivacyChanges?, The Markup, 2021-03-16

Google and the Age of Privacy Theater, Wired, 2021-03-18

Call centre staff to be monitored via webcam for home-working ‘infractions’, Guardian, 2021-03-26

Helge Hegerberg: Steve Jobs er vår «Storebror», Panorama, 2021-03-30

All the data Google’s apps collect about you and how to stop it, Wired, 2021-04-05

Personal Digital Resistance, Thomas Neuburger, 2021-04-06

Am I FLoCed? A New Site to Test Google's Invasive Experiment, EFF, 2021-04-09

BER OM STATLIG DATAKONTROLL, Klassekampen, 2021-04-18

The American Cyber Stasi Will Suppress All Digital Dissent In Biden's Dystopia, One World, 2021-05-07

Big brother is watching you, Tehran Times, 2021-06-01

De kule, de smarte og den virkelige makta, Steigan, 2021-06-26

Techno-Feudalism Is Taking Over – Project Syndicate op-ed, Yanis Varoufakis, 2021-06-28

Wikipedia Is More One-Sided Than Ever, Larry Sanger Blog, 2021-06-30

EUs dataeksperter vil forby automatisk overvåking i offentligheten, Aftenposten, 2021-07-16

As UN Human Rights Chief Urges Stricter Rules, Snowden Calls for End to Spyware Trade, Common Dreams, 2021-07-19

Anette Zimmermann: Stop Building Bad AI, Boston Review, 2021-07-21

John Naughton: Time to clip the wings of NSO and its Pegasus spyware, Guardian, 2021-07-31

The Cryptocurrency Surveillance Provision Buried in the Infrastructure Bill is a Disaster for Digital Privacy, EFF, 2021-08-02

PRISON TECH COMES HOME, Public Books, 2021-08-18

John Naughton: Beware state surveillance of your lives – governments can change for the worse, the Guardian, 2021-08-21

There’s a Multibillion-Dollar Market for Your Phone’s Location Data, the Markup, 2021-09-30

Nye sensorer skaber utryghed blandt ansatte på Det Humanistiske Fakultet, Uniavisen, 2021-09-30

Credit-card firms are becoming reluctant regulators of the web, the Economist, 2021-10-10

Moscow subway launches Face Pay system, DW, 2021-10-15

Pegasus Project: How Phones of Journalists, Ministers, Activists May Have Been Used to Spy On Them, the Wire, 2021-07-18

MASS PSYCHOSIS - How an Entire Population Becomes MENTALLY ILL, After Skool-Youtube, 2021-08-03

There’s a Multibillion-Dollar Market for Your Phone’s Location Data, The Markup, 2021-09-30

SC Orders Formation of Independent Expert Committee to Probe Pegasus Project Revelations, the Wire, 2021-10-27

John Naughton: How can we tame the tech giants now that they control society’s infrastructure?, the Guardian, 2021-11-06

John Naughton: Can big tech ever be reined in?, the Guardian, 2021-11-21

John Naughton: Notorious Pegasus spyware faces its day of reckoning, the Guardian, 2021-11-27


Tek Fog: An App With BJP Footprints for Cyber Troops to Automate Hate, Manipulate Trends, the Wire, 2022-01-06

Tek Fog: Imagine a World Where False Supporters of the Emergency Drowned Out the Real Opponents, the Wire, 2022-01-17

HRW says staffer was targeted with Israeli-made Pegasus spyware, Al Jazeera, 2022-01-26

The Myth of Tech Exceptionalism, NOEMA Magazine, 2022-02-10

Forget state surveillance. Our tracking devices are now doing the same job, the Guardian, 2022-02-19

Bill Gates’ digitale pass er digitalt vaksinepass, identitetssystem og betalingssystem i ett, Steigan, 2022-02-25

John Naughton: Think WFH means your boss isn’t watching you? Think again, the Guardian, 2022-02-26

5-Eyes, 9-Eyes, and 14-Eyes agreement explained, Cybernews, 2022-04-06

German secret service makes 17,000 Wikipedia edits, VoltaireNet, 2022-04-21

U.S., Japan, EU push for open internet amid rise of authoritarianism, Japan Today, 2022-04-29

Not only from A to B, cars are data collection machines, Digital Journal, 2022-05-01

Declaration for the Future of the Internet, US Department of State, ????-??-??

How Democracies Spy on Their Citizens, New Yorker, 2022-04-18

The EU wants to scan all chat messages, using the guise of combating child abuse, Reclaim the Net, 2022-05-11

The Online Tracking Company That Knows Your Name, the MarkUp, 2022-05-14

Clearview AI fined in UK for illegally storing facial images, BBC News, 2022-05-23

John Naughton: Facial recognition firms should take a look in the mirror, the Guardian, 2022-05-28

Lynn Parramore: Giant Tech Firms Plan to Read Your Mind and Control Your Emotions. Can They Be Stopped?, Institute for New Economic Thinking, 2022-05-31

Den norske regjeringa skal kartlegge alle betalingstransaksjoner, Steigan, 2022-06-07

Apple Just Killed the Password—for Real This Time, Wired, 2022-06-07

Facial Recognition Is Out of Control in India, Vice, 2022-06-13

Press Release: The World Bank and co. may be paving a ‘Digital Road to Hell’ with support for dangerous digital ID, center for human rights and global justice, 2022-06-17, Report (PDF

Your Fitbit has stolen your soul, UnHerd, 2022-06-29

What Happens when Big Brother Meets Big Tech, Institute for New Economic Thinking, 2022-07-13

Pegasus Row: Why Initial Global Outrage Didn't Translate into Appetite for Accountability, the Wire, 2022-07-18

Big Brother Is Watching You (And Trying to Read Your Mind), Mind Matters News, 2022-07-19

EU Found Evidence Its Employees' Phones Were Compromised Using Pegasus: Report, the Wire, 2022-07-28

Report – Hidden Harms: The Misleading Promise of Monitoring Students Online, Center for Democracy&Technology, 2022-08-03

Andrew Keen: How to fix the future, Estonian style, Engelberg Ideas, 2022-08-08

Fordummingssystemet, Steigan, 2022-09-14

Truth Cops, the Intercept, 2022-10-31

How Big Tech became an arm of the state, Spiked, 2022-11-01

‘Twitter Files’ Make it Clear: We Must Abolish the FBI, Ron Paul Institute, 2022-12-19

A Roomba recorded a woman on the toilet. How did screenshots end up on Facebook?, MIT Technology Review, 2022-12-19

When the FBI attacks its critics as ‘conspiracy theorists,’ it’s time to reform the bureau, The Hill, 2022-12-24


Back into the Trenches of the Crypto Wars, the MarkUp, 2023-01-07

'Industry' and the State (Twitter Files 11 & 12), God's Spies by Thomas Neuburger, 2023-01-11

Tech Companies Are Getting Into Neuroscience. Should We Worry?, Undark, 2023-02-16

Patrick Lawrence: Totalized Censorship, Consortium News, 2023-02-20

More CCTV, more crime: India’s most-surveilled cities are the least safe, Rest of World, 2023-02-27

Researchers Reveal What Happens When Your Phone Is Spying on You, SciTech Daily, 2023-03-15

After Pegasus 'PR Problem', Modi Govt Looking for Spyware From Less Exposed Firms: Financial Times, the Wire, 2023-03-31

It Takes a Small Miracle to Learn Basic Facts About Government Algorithms, the Markup, 2023-04-01

Alan MacLeod: TikTok: Chinese “Trojan Horse” Is Run by State Department Officials, MintPress News, 2023-04-13

Ken Klippenstein: Inside the Pentagon’s New “Perception Management” Office to Counter Disinformation, the Intercept, 2023-05-17

The speech police are coming for social media, the Economist, 2023-05-29

Antony Loewenstein: The Israeli Company Hacking into your Locked Mobile Phone, Declassified Australia, 2023-05-31

Hans Eirik Olav: THE MATRIX - Statsdiktatur om Religion, Rebel Yell Publishing, 2023-06-02

Alan Rusbridger: Ten years ago, Edward Snowden warned us about state spying. Spare a thought for him, and worry about the future, the Guardian, 2023-06-06

How Israeli Spyware Endangers Activists Across the Globe, In These Times, 2023-06-13

How US Department of Homeland Security Became Global ‘Thought Police’, Internationalist 360, 2023-07-05

Your Fitbit is useless – unless you consent to unlawful data sharing, Noyb, 2023-08-31

Dave Karpf: How 9/11 affected the Digital Future, The Future, Now and Then, 2023-09-11

Young People May Be The Biggest Target for Online Censorship and Surveillance—and the Strongest Weapon Against Them, EFF, 2023-10-30

Erik J Larson: Digital McCarthyism, Colligo, 2023-09-05

Marwa Fatata: Even in time of genocide, Big Tech silences Palestinians, Al Jazeera, 2023-12-12

2024 (nyeste først):

George Chabert: Den orwellianske krigen, Steigan, 2024-06-01

The Post Office and Privacy, JSTOR Daily, 2024-05-19

How 2024 Is Like 1984,, 2024-03-15

"When making public policy decisions about new technologies for the Government, I think one should ask oneself which technologies would best strengthen the hand of a police state. Then, do not allow the Government to deploy those technologies."

Phil Zimmermann