Asosiale medier

We are building a new organization dedicated to reversing the digital attention crisis and realigning technology with humanity's best interests.

5Rights takes the existing rights of children and young people (under 18), and articulates them for the digital world. We believe that they should be supported to access digital technologies creatively, knowledgeably and fearlessly. 

is a new initiative created by ACM to support and foster the next generation of computing professionals.

Det prates mye om "sosiale medier" som fjasbøker og annet avhengighetsskapende fjolleri.

Pacific Standard hadde en artikkel om fenomenet "Even Just the Presence of a Smartphone Lowers the Quality of In-Person Conversations" med henvisning til to forskningsartikler som er vedlagt her.

Fjasbøker og annet fjolleri dreper dialog og tenkning, slik at "sosiale medier" er den mest misvisende betegnelsen som finnes!

Pew Research Center har gjort undersøkelser framlagt i en rapport Social Media and the 'Spiral of Silence' som indikerer at folk er enda reddere for å si hva de mener på "sosiale medier" enn ellers, noe som antakelig fører til ensretting av tenkning. Diktaturets perfekte redskap.

Eksponenten smarttelefonen som fordrer folk til å rette oppmerksomheten mot informasjon, kommunikasjon med andre, og alt annet enn det som er tilstede i øyeblikket. Den er vår tids største oppmerksomhetstyv som også fungerer som en mental sutteklut for ikke-tenkende vesener.

Reuters meldte at briter briter nå bruker mer tid på TV og annet fjas enn på søvn, takket være smarttelefoner, etc.  Det innebærer at de asosiale mediene også fører til fysisk degenerasjon.

Ben Horowitz​ har sagt det slik: "In any human interaction, the required amount of communication is inversely proportional to the level of trust". Tillit krever øyekontakt, og det bestemmes av det limbiske system

Slate hadde en artikkel om hvordan "multitasking", dvs. bruk av "smarttelefon" og fjasbok stjeler oppmerksomheten fra læring. Det ble henvist til en artikkel som er vedlagt her.

Washington Post skriver om epidemien "Text neck", og det finnes et Text Neck Institute (artikkel vedlagt).

IEEE spectrum har også en artikkel om "Mindful Computing" (PDF-utskrift vedlagt)

Noen mener også at epost bør gravlegges.

Boka "The Organized Mind - Thinking Straight in the Age of Information Overload" hevder å ha noen løsninger på problemene. 

Connected, but alone? | Sherry Turkle, TED Talk, YouTube, 2012-04-03

Weapons of Mass Distraction, Psychology Today, 2012-12-18

Children′s physical activity and screen time: qualitative comparison of views of parents of infants and preschool children, International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, 2012-12-28

For The Children's Sake, Put Down That Smartphone, NPR, 2014-04-21

Seeing Everyone Else's Highlight Reels: How Facebook Usage is Linked to Depressive Symptoms, Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, 2014-10

Bruk feltet nedenfor!

The Simple Rules of Social Contagion, Scientific Reports, 2014-03-11

Are we becoming too connected for our own good?, Business Think, 2015-02-18

Human Attention Span Shortens To 8 Seconds Due To Digital Technology: 3 Ways To Stay Focused, Medical Daily, 2015-05-14

Phone home: should mobiles be banned in schools?, London School of economics, 2015-08-05

Anti-Blind: How do you see what you can't see? | Tristan Harris | TEDxSanFrancisco, YouTube, 2016-11-15

Feeling Lonely? Too Much Time On Social Media May Be Why, NPR, 2017-03-06

Brain Drain: The Mere Presence of One’s Own Smartphone Reduces Available Cognitive Capacity, Journal for the Association for Consumer Research, 2017-04-03

Our Minds Have Been Hijacked by Our Phones. Tristan Harris Wants to Rescue Them, Wired, 2017-06-27

How Your Brain Is Getting Hacked: Facebook, Tinder, Slot Machines | Tristan Harris, Youtube, 2017-07-04

How a handful of tech companies control billions of minds every day | Tristan Harris, YouTube, 2017-07-28

Professor: Som å gi barna dop, Budstikka 2017-09-19

Jean M. Twenge: Have Smartphones Destroyed a Generation?, the Atlantic, September 2017

'Our minds can be hijacked': the tech insiders who fear a smartphone dystopia, the Guardian, 2017-10-06

Why Are More American Teenagers Than Ever Suffering From Severe Anxiety?, New York Times Magazine, 2017-10-11

Bill Gates and Steve Jobs raised their kids tech-free - and it should've been a red flag, Business Insider, 2017-10-23

Social Media and Teen Anxiety, Harvard Graduate School of Education, 2017-12-15

When Facebook asks if social media is bad for us, it's time to listen, the Guardian, 2017-12-19

The Right to Attention in an Age of Distraction, Philosophical Disquisitions, 2017-05-19

Take it from the insiders: Silicon Valley is eating your soul, the Guardian, 2018-01-01

Screen-addicted teens are unhappy, ScienceDirect, 2018-01-22

Children are tech addicts – and schools are the pushers, the Guardian, 2018-01-26

We’re not addicted to smartphones, we’re addicted to social interaction, McGill Newsroom, 2018-02-06 (article in Frontiers in Psychology)

Frykten for nettavhengighet eksploderer i USA. Varsler Tristan Harris mener vi er på vei inn i en uutholdelig verden., Aftenposten, 2018-02-16

Social media and plastic surgery: quality over quantity, OUPblog, 2018-03-14

Social Media Anxiety Disorder: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment, Recovery Tips, ePainAssist

How Cambridge Analytica turned Facebook ‘likes’ into a lucrative political tool, the Guardian, 2018-03-17

The people owned the web, tech giants stole it. This is how we take it back, the Guardian, 2018-03-23

Why Zuckerberg’s 14-year Apology Tour Hasn’t Fixed Facebook, WIRED, 2018-04-06

Factbox: 'I know we can do better': Zuckerberg's many Facebook apologies, Reuters, 2018-04-10

Digital addiction increases loneliness, anxiety and depression, scienceDaily, 2018-04-11

Stephen E. Nash: Is Cyclical Time the Cure to Technology’s Ills?, Sapiens, 2018-05-11

The Endless Scroll: How to Tell if You're a Tech Addict, PCMag, 2018-05-21

Kunne du klart deg uten smarttelefonen?, Universitas, 2018-05-30

Yes, we can teach our children about technology, but let’s just ban phones in school, the Guardian, 2018-06-17

Why China’s tech-savvy millennials are quitting WeChat, South China Morning Post, 2018-07-22

Unge har blitt så avhengig av telefonen at de setter andres liv i fare, NRK, 2018-07-29

How disconnecting from digital pressures can boost learning, OUPblog, 2018-11-10

Social media use increases depression and loneliness, study finds, ScienceDaily, 2018-11-08

'Always On' Isn't Always Best for Team Decision-Making, Harvard Business School, 2018-11-12

New Studies Show Just How Bad Social Media Is For Mental Health, Forbes, 2018-11-16

Why screen time can disrupt sleep, Science Daily, 2018-11-27

Searching for digital technology’s effects on well-being, Nature, 2018-11-29

Groundbreaking study examines effects of screen time on kids, CBS News, 2018-12-09

How does screen time affect kids’ brains? The first results of a landmark study are alarming., BigThink, 2018-12-10

Chronic Loneliness Is a Modern-Day Epidemic, Fortune, 2016-06-22

The social solution to automation, Asia Times, 2019-03-03

The Four Facebooks - Misinformation, manipulation, dependency, distraction, New Atlantis Spring 2019

Smartphones and Close Relationships: The Case for an Evolutionary Mismatch, Perspectives on Psychological Sciences, 2019-04-19

Tristan Harris: Tech Is ‘Downgrading Humans.’ It’s Time to Fight Back, Wired, 2019-04-23

ou Now Have a Shorter Attention Span Than a Goldfish, Time Magazine, 2019-05-14

Pope Francis decries social media, propaganda during Pentecost Mass, New York Post, 2019-06-09

Hakkı Öcal: Can You Hear Me Now? We Might Be Living in Echo Chambers on Social Media, Politics Today, 2019-06-13

Selfies, five times more deadly than sharks, Asia Times, 2019-06-29

Rebelling against attention economy, Humane Tech movement expands, Al JAzera, 2019-07-25

The Effects of Participatory Propaganda: From Socialization to Internalization of Conflicts, JoDS, 2019-08-07

Study uncovers how heavy social media use disrupts girls’ mental health, Imperial College London, 2019-08-14

Teens are anxious and depressed after three hours a day on social media, MIT Technology Review, 2019-09-11

How Smartphones Change Our Brain, Humboldt University Berlin, 2019-09-23

A 4-step course in social media self-defense, Asia Times, 2019-09-26

The do’s and don’ts of sharing about your children online, Harvard Gazette, 2019-10-11

Associations Between Screen-Based Media Use and Brain White Matter Integrity in Preschool-Aged Children, JAMA Pedriatics, 2019-11-04

School children have too much phone time, not enough play time, PhysOrg, 2019-11-07

Skjermbruk kan hemme barns hjerneutvikling, NRK, 2019-11-13

«25 under 25»: Forby smarttelefoner for unge!, VG, 2019-12-05

Skjermfeit, NRK Ytring, 2019-12-27

Ten years of social media have left us all worse off, Tim Harford, 2019-12-27


Kyle Chayka: The empty promises of Marie Kondo and the craze for minimalism, the Guardian, 2020-01-03

Øystein Klovning: Mitt forsinka liv, NRK Ytring, 2020-02-09

Smartphones are pacifiers for tough times, OUPBlog, 2020-07-28

I Tried to Live Without the Tech Giants. It Was Impossible, New York Times, 2020-07-31

What do writers gain – and lose – when they eschew social media?, the Guardian, 2020-09-13

Thank you for posting: Smoking’s lessons for regulating social media, MIT Technology Review, 2020-10-05

And thus Zoom turns us all to fools and madmen, OUPBlog, 2020-10-11

Why Social Media Make Us More Polarized, and How to Fix It, Scientific American, 2020-10-15

Stig Heskestad: Blikkets kraft, Tidsskriftet, 2020-10-21


E-mail Is Making Us Miserable, the New Yorker, 2021-02-26

Why human agency matters, Engelsberg Ideas, 2021-03-16

Disability, access, and the virtual conference, OUPBlog, 2021-03-22

A Life Spent Focused on What Computers Are Doing to Us, New York Times, 2021-03-23

Over 475. 000 nordmenn rammet av hackere på Facebook, NRK, 2021-04-04

Drep meg, konge, men ikke med garpegenitiv!, Finn-Erik Vinje, 2021-04-10

Welcome to the age of hysteria, OpenDemocracy, 2021-04-16

Lessons in Empathy, and Mourning - An Interview with Sherry Turkle, Harvard Radcliffe Institute, 2021-06-20

En overtenkers verden: Google er ikke din venn!, Adressa, 2021-07-30

Facebook has known for a year and a half that Instagram is bad for teens despite claiming otherwise – here are the harms researchers have been documenting for years, the Conversation, 2021-09-16

Email: the worst form of communication yet devised by humankind?, Prospect Magazine, 2021-09-28

The Behavioral Guide to Social Media, The Decision Lab, 2021-10

Kari Hovde: Det er en 30-prosentstilling å røkte alle gruppene og chattene, Adressa, 2021-10-20

We’re Not as Smart as Google Makes Us Think We Are, Big Ideas - Medium, 2021-10-25

Adrian Ward: People mistake the internet’s knowledge for their own, PNAS, 2021-10-26

The Question We’ve Stopped Asking About Teen-Agers and Social Media, New Yorker, 2021-11-09


Fast response times signal social connection in conversation, PNAS, 2022-01-18

Usman Masood: What Has Social Media Done to Us? The Human Craving for Appreciation Gone Awry, 2022-01-27

Suttekluten som hindrer all konversasjon, Sivilisasjonen, 2022-01-29

Faster Internet displaces social capital in the UK, VoxEU, 2022-02-12

Jonathan Haidth: Why the Past 10 Years of American Life Have Been Uniquely Stupid, the Atlantic, 2022-04-11

How Social Media Are Ruining Our Lives, Mind Matters, 2022-04-18

Phil Jaekl: Digital Dummies, Return, 2022-04-26

Videoconferencing hinders creativity, study finds, Digital Journal, 2022-04-27

Virtual communication curbs creative idea generation, Nature, 2022-04-27

Virtual collaboration hinders a key component of creativity, Nature, 2022-04-27

How the Amish Use Technology, Wired, 2022-06-07

Families of overdose victims demand action from social media platforms, Digital journal, 2022-06-14

33 Problems With Media in One Chart, Visual Capitalist, 2022-06-29

Kyle Chayaka: The Age of Algorithmic Anxiety, New Yorker, 2022-07-25

Scott Rosenberg: Sunset of the social network, Axios, 2022-07-25

David A. Banks: Wrong Road, Real life, 2022-08-01

No amount of technology can replicate in-person conferences, THE, 2022-08-04

Hun har over 30 millioner følgere i sosiale medier – men er ikke ekte, NRK, 2022-08-08

These are the social media platforms we most want a detox from, Digital Journal, 2022-08-10

How Social Media Influences Our Behavior, and Vice Versa, DateLine, 2022-09-01

John Naughton: Molly Russell was trapped by the cruel algorithms of Pinterest and Instagram, the Guardian, 2022-10-01

John Naughton: Elon Musk running Twitter? It’s like giving a monkey a delicate clock, the Guardian, 2022-10-29

Todd Hayen: Zooming Our Way Into Oblivion, Off-Guardian, 2022-12-03

Twitter Files’ Make it Clear: We Must Abolish the FBI, Ron Paul Institute, 2022-12-19

How Online Mobs Act Like Flocks Of Birds, NOEMA Magazine, 2022-11-03


Commentary: Cory Doctorow: Social Quitting, LocusMagazine, 2023-01-02

Social Media is a Major Cause of the Mental Illness Epidemic in Teen Girls. Here’s the Evidence, After Babel, 2023-02-22

Ayn Rand vs. Elinor Ostrom: The Fight for the Future of Social Media, Institute for New Economic Thinking, 2023-03-09

Trapped in an echo chamber?, Gapingvoid, 2023-03-13

Jean M. Twenge: Academic Pressure Cannot Explain the Mental Illness Epidemic, After Babel, 2023-03-15

The Protecting Kids on Social Media Act is A Terrible Alternative to KOSA, EFF, 2023-08-28

Orwell's Classroom, STOP, 2023-12-14

2024 (nyeste først):

Sharenting: The flagrant violation of children's rights in the digital age, the New Indian Express, 2024-07-04

Støre vil ha aldersgrense for sosiale medier, NRK, 2024-07-02

Should young kids have smartphones? These parents in Europe linked arms and said no, AP News, 2024-06-21

Øyvind Andresen: Vi må gi Facebook fingeren!, Andresens blogg, 2024-06-03

Internet use is associated with greater wellbeing, global study finds, the Guardian, 2024-05-13