Quantum Computing and Communication

CSIRO -Quantum

Noen informative lenker om "Quantum Computing" og "Quantum Communication":

Benjamin Schumacher: Quantum coding, Phys. Rev. A 51, 2738 – Published 1 April 1995

John Preskill: QUANTUM COMPUTING AND THE ENTANGLEMENT FRONTIER, Rapporteur talk at the 25th Solvay Conference on Physics “The Theory of the Quantum World”, Brussels, 19-22 October 2011

Quantum Computers Animated, YouTube, 2013-08-22

Chinese satellite is one giant step for the quantum internet, Nature, 2016-08-16

F. Duncan Haldane on quantum computers, entanglement and proving Einstein wrong, DW, 2017-01-23

Phone home: how photon entanglement could secure our interplanetary internet, DW, 2017-06-20

China’s quantum satellite achieves ‘spooky action’ at record distance, Science, 2017-07-15

Scott Aaronson: Introduction to Quantum Information Science - Lecture Notes, Fall 2018


Explainer: What is a quantum computer?, MIT Technology Review, 2019-01-29

Explainer: What is quantum communication?, MIT Technology Review, 2019-02-14

Quantum Supremacy: What is it and what does it mean?, YouTube, 2019-06-28

Explainer: What is post-quantum cryptography?, MIT Technology Review, 2019-07-12

Sabrine Hossenfelder: Quantum supremacy is coming. It won't change the world, the Guardian, 2019-08-02

To Invent a Quantum Internet, Quanta Magazine, 2019-09-25

John Preskill: Why I Called It ‘Quantum Supremacy’, Quanta Magazine, 2019-10-02

Google CEO Sundar Pichai on achieving quantum supremacy, MIT Technology Review, 2019-10-23

How a quantum computer works, DW, 2019-10-24

Riding the quantum computing ‘wave’, The Harvard Gazette, 2019-10-29

Quantum computing: Is it really all it's cracked up to be?, DW, 2019-11-05

Quantum Computer Made from Photons Achieves a New Record, Scientific American, 2019-11-06


Quantum computing for the very curious, Quantum Country

Toshiba touts PC algorithm that's faster than a supercomputer, Japan Times, 2020-01-17

Artificial atoms create stable qubits for quantum computing, UNSW Newsroom, 2020-02-12

A game plan for quantum computing, McKinsey Quarterley, February 2020

Argonne, UChicago scientists take important step in developing national quantum internet, UChicago News, 2020-02-19

Chinese researchers develop high-performance integrated solid-state quantum memory, XinhuaNet, 2020-03-12

A beginner’s guide to quantum computer programming, ComputerWeekly, 2020-03-19

Entanglement-based secure quantum cryptography over 1,120 kilometres, Nature, 2020-06-15

Entanglement-based secure quantum cryptography over 1,120 kilometres, YouTube, 2020-06-16

China claims quantum supremacy with satellite test, Asia Times, 2020-06-17

Honeywell Says It Has Built The World’s Most Powerful Quantum Computer, Forbes, 2020-06-19

Viraj Kulkarni: The Inconvenient Truth About Quantum Computing, the Wire Science, 2020-09-29

Quantum computational advantage using photons, Science, 2020-12-03

Graphics: Chinese scientists achieve quantum computational advantage, Xinhuanet, 2020-12-04

Chinese team unveils exceedingly fast quantum computer, China Daily, 2020-12-04


Quantum network is step towards ultrasecure internet, Nature, 2021-02-17

Coding for Qubits: How to Program in Quantum Computer Assembly Language, IEEE Spectrum, 2021-02-19

In the Race to Hundreds of Qubits, Photons May Have "Quantum Advantage", IEEE Spectrum, 2021-03-05

Waiting for Quantum Computing? Try Probabilistic Computing, IEEE Spectrum, 2021-03-31

Scott Aaronson: The Ghost in the Quantum Turing Machine, ????-??-??

What Makes Quantum Computing So Hard to Explain?, Quanta Magazine, 2021-06-08

Quantum Computers, Explained With Quantum Physics, YouTube, 2021-06-08

Major Quantum Computing Strategy Suffers Serious Setbacks, Quanta Magazine, 2021-09-29

Quantum computing: A step towards the future, Way2Smile, 2021-10-22

Quantum Computational Advantage via 60-Qubit 24-Cycle Random Circuit Sampling, Science Bulletin, 2021-10-25

Strong Quantum Computational Advantage Using a Superconducting Quantum Processor, Physical Review Letters, 2021-10-25

China becomes the only country to achieve a milestone in “quantum superiority” on two technological routes, domeet webmaster, 2021-10-26

USTC researchers claim quantum breakthrough, Asia Times, 2021-10-30

How Much Has Quantum Computing Actually Advanced? Q&A with the former chief architect of Google’s Sycamore, John Martinis, IEEE Spectrum, 2021-12-02

Schrödinger’s Tardigrade Claim Incites Pushback At issue: Quantum-entangled water bears?!, IEEE Spectrum, 2021-12-31


Eric Brynjolfsson: The Turing Trap: The Promise & Peril of Human-Like Artificial Intelligence, ArXiv, 2022-01-11

Meet Twist: MIT’s Quantum Programming Language, IEEE Spectrum, 2022-02-18

India aims to rival China in quantum computing, Asia Times, 2022-03-04

The Quantum Technology Ecosystem – Explained, Steve Blank, 2022-03-22

Better AI, unhackable communication, spotting submarines: the quantum tech arms race is heating up, the Conversation, 2022-03-28

Quantum computing has a hype problem, MIT Technology Review, 2022-03-28

Viraj Kulkarni: Mind the Hype: We Must Build AI That Can Dance With Us, Not Replace Us, the Wire Science, 2022-05-13

The Spooky Quantum Phenomenon You’ve Never Heard Of, Quanta Magazine, 2022-06-22

Engineering topological states in atom-based semiconductor quantum dots, Nature, 2022-06-22

Scientists emulate nature in quantum leap towards computers of the future, UNSW, 2022-06-23

Quantum Computing for Dummies, IEEE Spectrum, 2022-07-03

Researchers find the missing photonic link to enable an all-silicon quantum internet, PhysOrg, 2022-07-13

Quantum computer works with more than zero and one, PhysOrg, 2022-07-21

Researchers answer fundamental question of quantum physics, PhysOrg, 2022-09-22

Traditional computers can solve some quantum problems, PhysOrg, 2022-09-22

Growing Australia's Quantum Technology Industry, CSIRO, 2022-10-12

Scott Foster: US will struggle to stop China’s quantum leap, Asia Times, 2022-10-31

Entangling Quantum Sensors Can Triple Accuracy - “Spooky sensing at a distance” via one combined device, IEEE Spectrum, 2022-12-09


What’s next for quantum computing, MIT Technology Review, 2023-01-06

John Naughton: Computers need to make a quantum leap before they can crack encrypted messages, the Guardian, 2023-01-14

Jie Wang: Limits to computing: A computer scientist explains why even in the age of AI, some problems are just too difficult, the Conversation, 2023-01-30

Jeff Pao: China speeding along in quantum computing race, Asia Times, 2023-02-04

Twin-field quantum key distribution without optical frequency dissemination, Nature Communications, 2023-02-18

Magnetic Quantum Leap Unleashes Ultra-Fast Sustainable Computers, SciTech News, 2023-04-14

What Is Quantum Computing?, Caltech News, 2023-04-14

Hvorfor er der så meget hype om kvantecomputeren?, DTU, 2023-05-22

China unveils faster light-based quantum computer, Asia Times, 2023-10-13

Christopher Ferrie: The quantum computing age has arrived, Asia Times, 2023-10-19

2024 (nyeste først):

Glimpse of next-generation internet, Harvard Gazette, 2024-05-15

Adam Lowe: How long before quantum computers can benefit society? That’s Google’s US$5 million question, the Conversation, 2024-03-26

Quantum Computing Breakthrough: Photons That Make Quantum Bits “Fly”, SciTech Daily, 2024-03-15

Why Classical Computers Can Still Win Quantum Contests, Quanta Magazine, 2024-02-