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10 Ways To Explore The Internet Archive For Free


A digital existentialist struggling to understand why the bright future we were promised took an unexpected detour?

The Doomesday Book Online

Practitioners reimagine the landscape of technology for justice and equity

The Global Brain institute

Mathematical Theory of Claude Shannon

Ted Nelson: Computer Lib - the Dream Machine 

Who invented the great numerical algorithms?, Nick Trefethen, Oxford Mathematical Institute

Will Superintelligent AIs Be Our Doom?-  IEEE Spectrum

Why the Future Doesn't Need Us, WIRED, 2000-04-01

Future of Storytelling - Reinventing the Way Stories Are Told

Howard Rheingold: Crap Detection 101

David J. Chalmers: The Virtual and the Real, Disputatio, 2018-03-06

Columbia Digital Storytelling Lab

HASTAC - Field Notes for 21st Century Literacies  

Resource Page on Early HCI Research by the Lincoln Lab TX-2 Group   

CP/M Creator Gary Kildall's Memoirs Released as Free Download

J.C.R. Licklider - National History Day Documentary 2016 (Ver. 2) (YouTube)

In the Beginning was the command line, Neal Stephenson


Why the Web Won't Be Nirvana, Clifford Stoll in Newsweek, 1995-02-26

DIGITAL MAOISM: The Hazards of the New Online Collectivism, Jaron Lanier in Edge, 2006-05-29

Are You An Internet Optimist or Pessimist? The Great Debate over Technology’s Impact on Society, The technology Liberation Front, 2010-01-31

Jaron Lanier: The False Ideals of the Web, New York Times, 2012-01-18

Don't Touch That Dial! - A history of media technology scares from the printing press to Facebook, Slate, 2010-02-15

High-frequency trading and the $440m mistake, BBC News, 2012-08-11

'Homo sapiens is an obsolete algorithm': Yuval Noah Harari on how data could eat the world, Wired, 2016-09-01

Dan Kaminsky: The internet is breaking. Here's how to save it., cyberscoop, 2016-10-03

IMD World Competitiveness Digital Ranking  (2016?)

Ted Nelson's Computer Paradigm, Expressed as One-Liners  

Corporate Surveillance in Everyday Life  

Paul Baran: On the Impact of the New Communications Media Upon Social Values  

Nil Communication: How to send a Message without Sending Anything at All  

“Let us Calculate!”: Leibniz, Llull, and the Computational Imagination  

A Man in a Hurry: Claude Shannon’s New York Years  

Barry Sanders: Bang the Keys Swiftly - Type-writers and their discontents, Cabinet Magazine, 2002-Fall

Do Artifacts Have Ethics?, The Frailest Thing (L.M. Sacasas), 2014-11-27

How Smartphones Hurt Sleep, the Atlantic, 2015-02-24

Digital Natives, Yet Strangers to the Web, the Atlantic, 2015-04-21

The number glitch that can lead to catastrophe, BBC Future, 2015-05-05

A Modest Proposal: Eliminate Email, Harvard Business Review, 2016-02-18

Claude Shannon, the Father of the Information Age, Turns 1100100, The New Yorker, 2016-04-30

Boole, Shannon and the Electronic Computer, The Renaissance Mathematicus (blog), 2016-04-30

Tim Harford: Crash: how computers are setting us up for disaster, the Guardian, 2016-10-11


The ‘time machine’ reconstructing ancient Venice’s social networks, Nature, 2017-06-14

Beijing Wants A.I. to Be Made in China by 2030, New York Times, 2017-07-20

IBM PC: The complete history, part 1, Ars Technica, 2017-07-27

The bit bomb (on Claude Shannon), Aeon, 2017-08-30

For better learning in college lectures, lay down the laptop and pick up the pen, Brookings, 2017-08-10

Someone Else's Computer: The Prehistory of Cloud Computing, IEEE Spectrum, 2017-08-31

Stanford University Press pioneering digital academic publishing through innovative program, Stanford News, 2017-09-25

The Internet of Electron Microscopes, RibbonFarm, 2017-09-28

Could Estonia be the first 'digital' country, BBC 2017-10-19

Library trolls copyright zealots by naming collection after Sonny Bono, Ars Technica, 2017-10-11

Amazon, Facebook, and Google: Too big to tolerate, Too big to stop, Techonomy, 2017-10-23

Digitization, AI, and the future of work: Imperatives for Europe, McKinsey&Company, September 2017

The selfie's gone, but the damage is done , Harvard Gazette, 2017-10-26

Employees Really Do Waste Time at Work, Forbes, 2012-07-17

Why Gates and Jobs shielded their kds from tech, World Economic Forum, 2017-10-27

Sean Parker unloads on Facebook "exploiting" human psychology, AXIOS, 2017-11-09

How Facebook and Google threaten public health - and democracy, the Guardian, 2017-11-11

The Digital Ruins of a Forgotten Future, the Atlantic, 2017-12

Den digitale reklamens vidunderlige verden, Sigurd Allern i Uniforum, 2017-11-15

The Language We Invented as We Invented the Future, IEEE Spectrum, 2017-11-16

Tim Berners-Lee on the future of the web: 'The system is failing', the Guardian, 2017-11-16

Tech Leaders Dismayed by Weaponization of Digital Media, IEEE Spectrum, 2017-11-14

The Lure of a Fully Decentralized Internet, IEEE Spectrum, 2017-10-23

Paper or screen for comprehension and learning, 3-star Learning experiences, 2017-11-21

Estonia, the Digital Republic, The New Yorker, 2017-12-18,25

The philosopher of Palo Alto, OUPblog, 2017-12-09

Our Love Affair With Digital is Over, New York Times, 2017-11-18

Is the economy suffering from the crisis of attention?, Bank Underground, 2017-11-24

Q&A: The Ethics of Using Brain Implants to Upgrade Yourself, IEEE Spectrum, 2017-11-13

Når datasystemene bestemmer, Kai A. Olsen i Khrono, 2017-12-18

10 years With Social Media, Martin King blog, 2017-12-07

Why Information Matters, Luciano Floridi in the New Atlantis, Special Issue on Information, Matter and Life, Winter 2017

The internet is broken, Wired, 2017-12-19

Every study we could find on what automation will do to jobs, in one chart, MIT Technology review, 2018-01-25

Data is the new lifeblood of capitalism – don't hand corporate America control, Guardian, 2018-02-01

The punk rock internet – how DIY ​​rebels ​are working to ​replace the tech giants,  Guardian, 2018-02-01

Why Microsoft Office is a bigger productivity drain than Candy Crush Saga, Tim Harford, 2018-02-04

The 4 Dimensions of Digital Trust, Charted Across 42 Countries, Harvard Business Review, 2018-02-19

Where Blade Runner began: 50 years of Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?, Nature, 2018-03-07

‘News’ spreads faster and more widely when it’s false, Nature News, 2018-03-08

The web can be weaponised – and we can't count on big tech to stop it, Tim Berners-Lee in Guardian, 2018-03-12

How babies learn – and why robots can’t compete, Alex Beard, the Guardian, 2018-04-03

Robots are Better People than Mark Zuckerberg, Lady Science, 2018-04-12

Fail by design: Banking's legacy of dark code, Zuffikar Abaney, DW, 2018-05-03

Digital kompetanse hos folk flest er avgjørende, Marianne Synness i Khrono, 2018-05-10

Stephen E. Nash: Is Cyclical Time the Cure to Technology’s Ills?, Sapiens, 2018-05-11

Has the Silicon Valley model broken the future?, BusinessThink, 2018-05-16

The Internet of Trash: IoT Has a Looming E-Waste Problem, IEEE Spectrum, 2018-05-17

2 fordeler og 19 ulemper med IKT i undervisning, Bjarne Vandeskog i Khrono, 2018-05-24

«Det er liksom fint å ha det travelt. Men det burde vært finere å kunne si: Jeg er ferdig med det jeg skal gjøre i dag, så jeg går klokken ett.», Aftenposten, 2018-06-08

The death of America's net neutrality and how it affects you, Deutsche Welle, 2018-06-11

In a world of digital nomads, we will all be made homeless, the Guardian, 2018-06-18

Rebooting Germany, Reuters, 2018-06-25

Beyond Disruption How Tech Shapes Labor Across Domestic Work& Ridehailing, Data&Society, 2018-06-26

The top 10 things you need to know from the China Internet Report, AbacusNews, 2018-07-10

China’s internet ecosystem model increasingly being copied globally, South China Morning Post, 2018-07-13

Google.gov, The New Atlantis, Spring 2018

What if people were paid for their data?, The economist, 2018-07-07

The ethics of computer science: this researcher has a controversial proposal, Nature, 2018-07-26

Overinformasjon er den nye tidstyven i helsetjenesten, Steinar Westin i Adresseavisen, 2018-07-29

How digital nomads keep working as they wander, UNSW Business Think, 2018-08-15

Problem-solving techniques take on new twist, The Harvard Gazette, 2018-08-15

Why Technology Favors Tyranny, Yuval Noah Harari in the Atlantic, October 2018

Facebook and the newsroom: 6 questions for Siva Vaidhyanathan, Harvard Shorenstein Center, 2018-09-12

Digitocracy, Medium, 2018-07-23

Ted Nelson’s old junk mail is a treasure trove for tech nerds, FastCompany, 2018-09-14

Things Break And Decay On The Internet—that's A Good Thing, Wired, 2018-09-18

The Death of Advertising and Bifurcation of the Internet, Mark K. Spencer, Medium, 2018-09-26

Brewster Kahle on What's Next for the Decentralized Web Movement, IEEE Spectrum, 2018-10-04


Slipshod Cybersecurity for U.S. Defense Dept. Weapons Systems, IEEE Spectrum, 2018-10-15

Artificial intelligence, or the end of the world as we know it, DW, 2018-10-26

The Pentagon’s Push to Program Soldiers’ Brains, the Atlantic, 2018-November issue

The de-civilising process, The Economist 1843, October/November 2018

Without a fair tax on tech, it could be the end of the state as we know it, the Guardian, 2018-11-11

A skeptic’s guide to thinking about AI, FastCompany, 2018-10-18

China Should Learn From History Before Embracing AI, Sixth Tone, 2018-11-19

Workers’ rights? Bosses don’t care – soon they’ll only need robots, the Guardian, 2018-12-17



Why More Technology Does Not Equal More Productivity, Darius Foroux, 2019-02-05

Big Tech’s power growing at runaway speed, Harvard Gazette, 2019-02-07

The Third Law - The Future of Computing is Analogue, George Dyson, Medium, 2019-02-12

Is Trump’s AI executive order a Sputnik moment for the US?, South China Morning Post, 2019-02-13

How Tech Utopia Fostered Tyranny, the New Atlantis, Winter 2019

Facebook is out of control and politicians have no idea what to do, the Guardian, 2019-02-18

Britiske parlamentarikere: Facebook oppfører seg som ’digitale gangstere’, Sigurd Allern i Uniforum, 2019-02-19

Nettbrett i skolen er et sosialt eksperiment, NRK, 2019-03-12

Journalism’s risky tech addiction, Asia Times, 2019-03-22

AI pioneer: ‘The dangers of abuse are very real’, Nature, 2019-04-04

The digital revolution’s silent majority, Asia Times, 2019-04-20

When algorithms go rogue the havoc is all too human, BusinessThink, 2019-04-17

Revolt on the horizon? How young people really feel about digital technology, the Conversation, 2019-05-22

Boeing Built Deadly Assumptions Into 737 Max, Blind to a Late Design Change, New York Times, 2019-06-01

Can Dweb Save The Internet?, Media Insider, 2019-06-03

Communities in the Cloud, MIT News, 2019-06-05

Jeff Bezos’s Corporate Takeover of Our Lives, In These Times, 2019-06-10

Younger generations are growing horns in the back of their head, News.com.au, 2019-06-19

Prominent exostosis projecting from the occipital squama more substantial and prevalent in young adult than older age groups, Nature Scientific Reports, 2018-02-20

George Dyson: The Third Law - The future of computing is analog, Medium, 2019-02-12

David Autor: Work of the Past, Work of the Future, American Economic Association, 2019-05 (PDF

Let’s Face Facts, The Digital Revolution Has Been A Huge Disappointment, DigitalTonto, 2019-06-23

How Digital Advertising Markets Really Work, The American Prospect, 2019-06-24

Racing Toward Yottabyte Information, IEEE Spectrum, 2019-06-26

Forsking: Skjermlesing gjør oss utålmodige, NRK Hedmark og Oppland, 2019-07-19

Ranking the Top 100 Websites in the World, Visual Capitalist, 2019-08-07

Cybersecurity: Linchpin of the digital enterprise, McKinsey, July 2019

Digital Economy Report 2019, UNCTAD, 2019-09-06

Bus stops with e-book access for rural bookworms, Daily Sabah, 2019-09-11

Visualized: The Esports Journey to Mainstream, Visual Capitalist, 2019-10-17

'We're losing our ability to think': Internet pioneer Leonard Kleinrock on how his creation has transformed the world, the Telegraph, 2019-10-29


Brønnøysunds Avis slo Dagbladet på målstreken i 1995 – feirer 25 år som nettavis, NRK Nordland, 2020-03-06

The greatest designs of modern times, Fortune, 2020-03-16

What Do Platforms Do? Understanding the Gig Economy, Annual Review of Sociology, 2020-04-13

Our love of the cloud is making a green energy future impossible, TechCrunch, 2020-04-25

An old programming language is threatening global stability, TechRadar, 2020-05-15

David J. Chalmers: The Virtual as the Digital, Disputatio, 2020-06-08

An Internet of Trouble lies ahead as root certificates begin to expire en masse, warns security researcher, the Register, 2020-06-10

US interest in 5G isn’t really about 5G, Asia Times, 2020-07-17

Work is not just about ‘output’ but shared endeavour. Let’s not turn our back on the office, the Guardian, 2020-07-19

Google’s Top Search Result? Surprise! It’s Google, the Markup, 2020-07-28

The Importance of Cursive Handwriting Over Typewriting for Learning in the Classroom: A High-Density EEG Study of 12-Year-Old Children and Young Adults, Frontiers in Psychology, 2020-07-28

Congressman Says The Markup Investigation Proves Google Has Created a “Walled Garden”, the Markup, 2020-07-29

The information catastrophe, AIP Advances, 2020-08-11

Inside the Hidden World of Legacy IT Systems, IEEE Spectrum, 2020-08-28

Ny forskning: Håndskriving gjør barn smartere, NRK, 2020-09-16

We Need To Rethink Technology For The 21st Century, DigitalTonto, 2020-09-27

Job satisfaction decreases with digitisation, ETH Zurich, 2020-10-07

Is the internet falling apart?, the Hill, 2020-09-29

Trailblazing initiative marries ethics, tech, Harvard Gazette, 2020-10-16

The Code That Controls Your Money, Wealthsimple Magazine, 2020-11-11

All you need to know to understand 5G, YouTube, 2020-12-19

We're all at the mercy of this decades-old programming language, but we’ve been thinking about it all wrong, TechRadar, 2020-12-19

The invisible waste behind our laptops and smartphones, DW, 2020-12-21


America Has a GPS Problem, New York Times, 2021-01-23

Tim Berners-Lee’s plan to save the internet: give us back control of our data, the Conversation, 2021-02-05

Rewiring the world, Engelsberg Ideas, 2021-02-17

The Digital Era Is Over. Long Live Innovation!, Digital Tonto, 2021-04-11

Jonathan Zittrain: The Internet Is Rotting, the Atlantic, 2021-06-30

Solar superstorms: planning for an internet apocalypse, ACM, 2021-08-09

False Positivism - Why “planetary computation” and “data-driven governance” will not solve the world’s problems, Real Life Magazine, 2021-10-18

Hvordan svart ble hvitt: Myten om «grønn IKT», Einar Flydal, 2021-12-11


This ancient programming language is way more common than we all thought, TechRadar, 2022-02-05

The Myth of Tech Exceptionalism, NOEMA Magazine, 2022-02-10

The Staggering Ecological Impacts of Computation and the Cloud, MIT Press, 2022-02-14

How QR codes work and what makes them dangerous – a computer scientist explains, the Conversation, 2022-04-07

Why Is My Internet So Slow?, the Markup, 2022-04-12

Carlotta Perez: A long delayed golden age: or why has the ICT ‘installation period’ lasted so long?, Medium, 2022-06-14

David GW Birch: The Passing of Passwords, 2022-08-29

☞ A Visual Quine, Samuel Arbesman, 2022-09-13

Human Cyborgs are Just the Beginning, Who is Robert Malone, 2022-09-14

Peter Biles: Technology as the New God, Before Whom All Others Bow, Mind Matters, 2022-10-09

making microprocessor chips, DelanceyPlace, 2022-10-26


“Computers enable fantasies” – On the continued relevance of Weizenbaum’s warnings, Librarians Shipwreck, 2023-01-26

Henry Kressel: Monopolies based on technology don’t last, Asia Times, 2023-02-01

Samuel Arbesman: The Edges Cases Where Computing and Physics Intersect, Cabinet of Wonders, 2023-02-07

Why Work Is Getting Worse, YouTube, 2023-04-07

Paris Marx: Why Silicon Valley is bringing eugenics back, Disconnect, 2023-04-21

Russell Brandom: What languages dominate the internet?, Rest of World, 2023-06-07

What’s in a domain name?, Rest of World, 2023-09-21

West vs. Rest, Rest of World, 2023-10

Noah Smith: Thoughts on techno-optimism, Noahpinion, 2023-10-21

Dave Karpf: A reply to Noah Smith: tech optimism vs tech pragmatism, cont'd, The Future, Now and Then, 2023-10-27

What the !#@% is a Passkey?, EFF, 2023-10-26

2024 (nyeste først):

Clive Aslet: Celebrating a century of the red telephone box, Engelsberg Ideas, 2024-05-08

John Naughton: The internet is in decline – it needs rewilding, the Guardian, 2024-05-04

Molly White: We can have a different web, Citation needed, 2024-05-01

Maria Farrell and Robin Berjon: We Need To Rewild The Internet, Noema Magazine, 2024-04-16

Are you a human? Select all that apply., Harvard Magazine, 2024-04-22

Cultural Memory in the Digital, Good Internet, 2024-02-22

Mark Weiser