BIG SUR COAST CENTRAL - Andrew Molera State Park - Pfeiffer Beach

BIG SUR COAST CENTRAL (CENTRAL CA COAST from South of Point Lobos to Limekiln State Park)

Andrew Molera State Park

Pfeiffer Beach (National Forest)

BIG SUR CALIFORNIA Kayak, Canoe and Stand Up Paddle Board (SUP) Guide

Where to kayak in Big Sur California.

This section of the Big Sur Coast has very few and not ideal access/launch spots. Scroll down the page and keep reading for more launch and paddling information.




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Andrew Molera State Park

At Andrew Molera State Park, you can launch by the mouth of the Big Sur River. If the river is at a good level, you might be tempted to float down the river instead of carrying/rolling your kayak along the long dirt access road (you can't drive on the road). While the dirt access road is fairly long (1/4 mile??), it's wide and level so using wheels to roll your vessel is a good idea.

From the mouth of the Big Sur River, you can either paddle out where the flow of the river creates a rip current channel past the point or you can launch off the beach south of the river mouth.

Andrew Molera State Park is located along Highway 1. Parking is just off of Highway 1. There is a fee for parking unless you have a state park pass.

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Pfeiffer Beach

Pfeiffer Beach is fairly exposed, but if the surf is small you can launch off the beach here.

You can drive very near to the water at Pfeiffer Beach.

To reach Pfeiffer Beach, from highway one take Sycamore Canyon Road (which is 1 mile south of Pfeiffer Big Sur State Park) to it's end. Sycamore Canyon Road is a narrow winding road that is hard to see from highway 1. It's about 2.5 miles to the end. There is a fee for parking.

Pictures of Pfeiffer Beach

Pfeiffer Beach - Big Sur, California
Pfeiffer Beach - Big Sur Coast
Kayak and Stand Up Paddle Board California Guide Book