Seminar of Michael Baldea

Date de publication : Mar 03, 2014 1:4:46 PM

Date: 17 March, 14h00

Location: Bordet, LAGEP

Speaker: Michael Baldea, Assistant Professor, McKetta Department of Chemical Engineering, The University of Texas at Austin

Title: Integration for Improved Energy Efficiency: Theory and Applications

Abstract: Integration, in the sense of creating feedback connections that allow for the recycle of inventory between the nodes of a system, has found broad applications in improving energy efficiency the chemical process industry as well as in other energy-intensive fields. In this talk, we begin by discussing the dynamic effects of integration in a generic context. We demonstrate that a high degree of integration leads to the emergence of a multiple time scale dynamic behavior, with a slow component that captures system-level dynamics. In line with this behavior, we propose a hierarchical control strategy, comprised of a distributed control layer that addresses control objectives at the node level, and a supervisory control system that optimizes energy efficiency at the system level. We provide stability proofs for the case when the supervisory controller is an MPC, formulated with either a tracking or an economic objective function. Relevant case studies related to energy recovery in the process industry and to managing energy use in buildings will be presented.