30/04/2015 Thematic morning on control of nonlinear PDE

Date de publication : Apr 14, 2015 1:49:48 PM

Two seminars will be given the 30st of April in Lyon.

The speakers are Miroslva Krstic (UCSD) and Fédérico Bribiesca Argomedo (Ampere, INSA de Lyon).

Room location: Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 salle Thémis.

09h00 : Seminar of Fédérico Bribiesca Argomedo (Ampere Insa de Lyon)

Title: Control and Observation of PDEs with Fredholm integrals

Abstract: In this talk an integral transform is presented which allows the construction of boundary control and observation laws for partial differential equations with Fredholm integrals. These systems do not have a strict-feedback structure and thus the standard backstepping approach cannot be applied. The focus of the presentation will be on first-order hyperbolic systems although some results for second-order parabolic systems will also be presented. The main remaining challenge is the extension of the class of coefficients for which the well-posedness of the kernel equations can be guaranteed.

10h00: Coffee break

10h35 : Seminar of Miroslav Krstic (UCSD)

Title : Stabilization of a Population Dynamics Nonlinear PDE