29/06/2017 Thematic afternoon on control theory

Date de publication : Jun 23, 2017 11:50:22 AM

Two seminars will be given the 29th of June in Lyon.

The speakers are Prof.Yao Pengfei and Prof. Guo Baozhu from Chinese academy of sciences.

13h30 Pengfei YAO, Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science, Academia Sinica.

Title : Why we need Riemannian Geometry for the Control of the Wave Equation with Variable Coefficient,

Abstract : I will present a brief comparison between several methods which have been used in the literature to show why Riemannian geometry is necessary for control of the wave equation with variable coefficients. The classical multipliers are generalized to a version of the Riemannian geometry setting with help of the Bochner technique to find out verifiable geometric assumptions for control of the wave equation with variable coefficients in space. Thus controllability/stabilization of the wave equation with variable coefficients comes down to an escape vector field for the Riemannian metric, given by the variable coefficients.

14h45 Bao-Zhu GUO, Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science, Academia Sinica.

Title : A Nonlinear Extended Stated Observer Based on Switching Functions,

Abstract: In the last two decades, there is a new emerging control technology called active disturbance rejection control (ADRC) proposed by Jingqing Han of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, which has been widely used in engineering control in many countries. Progress from a theoretical perspective was made only in last few years. In this talk, I will briefly introduce ADRC and focus on some recent results on extended state observers for nonlinear systems, a key part of ADRC. Numerical results are also presented to compare with other control methods.

Room location: CPE Lyon, 3 rue victor Grignard, 69622 Villeurbanne, Room F001 - Batiment F.