08/11/2018 Seminar of Daniele Astolfi

Date de publication : Oct 25, 2018 10:1:20 AM

Date: 08/11/2018, 14h00

Location: LAGEP, Batiment CPE

Speaker: Daniele Astolfi, CR CNRS LAGEP

Title : (1) Observers and output regulation: applications in nonlinear systems, multi-agent systems, networked control systems and hybrid systems - (2) A focus on low-power high-gain observers techniques.

Abstract : The following talk is divided into two main parts.

The first part of the presentation focuses of my research themes with a double perspective.

The first perspective concerns the objectives, which are mainly observer and output regulation problems.

The second perspective concerns the context of such problems, that is the classes of systems considered: nonlinear systems, multi-agent systems, networked control systems and more in general hybrid systems.

In the second part of the talke I will present one of the results that I achieved during my research years, that is the design of low-power high-gain observers for observable nonlinear systems.

This novel class of observer presents improve the main drawbacks of the celebrated high-gain observers, that are the sensitivity to high-frequency measurement noise, the numerical implementation challenges and the peaking phenomenon, while preserving its main "good features".