6/12/2019, 14h00, Seminair of Dragan Nesic and Zhou Huacheng

Date de publication : Dec 03, 2019 9:50:9 AM

Prof. Dragan Nesic (https://people.eng.unimelb.edu.au/dnesic/) from Melbourne university

Date: Friday 6th of December 2019 at 14h00

Location: Salle Bordet LAGEPP, Bâtiment CPE, 2e étage.

Title: Estimation framework for nonlinear systems with time scale separation

Abstract: The estimation of unmeasured variables is a central objective in a broad range of applications. This problem turns into a challenging task when the underlying model is nonlinear and even more so when additionally it exhibits multiple time scales. This research work focuses on generating an estimation framework for a nonlinear systems exhibiting time scale separation. First, we overview observer design for slow states of general nonlinear singularly perturbed plants. Then, we address the full state estimation problem by introducing a multi-observer approach or nonlinear systems with slowly varying-time parameters. Moreover, we propose a new estimation technique that leads to a switched observer for the estimation of slow and fast state.

Prof. Zhou Huacheng, professor at Central South University of China;

Date: Friday 6th of December 2019 at 15h00

Location: Salle Bordet LAGEPP, Bâtiment CPE, 2e étage.

Title: Output feedback stabilization and output tracking for a wave equation with minimal boundary measurement.