Seminar of Frédéric Mazenc

Date de publication : Dec 02, 2013 2:24:10 PM

Thursday 19th of december, 2013 Frederic Mazenc (Inria Saclay) will give a seminar.

Date : 19/12/2013

Location : Salle Jacques Bordet, LAGEP, 14h00

Title : Stabilization of Linear Input Delayed Dynamics: sampling of the control and time-varying case

Abstract : The reduction model approach is a fundamental predictor based technique of control

design for linear systems with arbitrarily long pointwise or distributed delays in

the inputs. We will recall the key ideas of this technique and present two recent

advances. First, we will explain how this approach can be adapted,

via the introduction of a dynamic extension, to the case

where the input is sampled. Second, we will show how exponentially stabilizing

control laws can be constructed for families of time-varying systems by applying

new versions of the reduction model approach. Rapidly and slowly varying

systems will be considered.