Champion/Number One   Author/s                CS/TourTactical 220823       Anton Ces               XXXV 2LCorrchess 240823      I. Ivec                 XXXV 2LStockfish 220823 sl   Eduard Nemeth           XXXV 2L  Spectral 5.0          Anton Ces               XXXV SLStockfish 220823 sl   Eduard Nemeth           XXXV SLRaid v2.73            Tanick Ramz             XXXVISF-Poly 220723        Tanick Ramz             XXXVISF-Poly 220723        Tanick Ramz             ST IVKomodoDragon 3.2      Komodo Team             XXXVIIRRapTora 2.2           Anton Ces               XXXVIIBSF-Poly 220723        Tanick Ramz             XXXVIIIStockfish 220823 sl   Eduard Nemeth           XXXVIIIEman 9.51             Khalid Omar             XXXIXEman 9.51             Khalid Omar             XXXXStockfish 220823 sl   Eduard Nemeth           XLIBrainLearn 26         K. Kiniama,A. Manzo     XLII 2LCorrchess 151023      I. Ivec                 XLII 2LBrainLearn 26         K. Kiniama,A. Manzo     XLII SLStockfish 231023      Stockfish Team          XLIIISun Light 3 sl        Eduard Nemeth           XLIVTactical 281023       Anton Ces               XLIVSun Light 3 sl        Eduard Nemeth           XLVAWOL Z11              Tanick Ramz             XLVCorrchess 071223      I. Ivec                 XLVICfish 030820          Cfish Team              NON-NN VIIEthereal 14           Grant, Alayan & Laldon  NON-NN VIIHoudini 6.03          Robert Houdart          NON-NN VIIIasmFish 191117        TypingALot              NON-NN VIIIasmFish 191117 Grand  TypingALot              NON-NN VIIIChess Tiger 14        Christophe Theron       Classic IFritz 7               Frans Morsch            Classic IKasparov+Komodo       Kasparov, Komodo team   Human-LikeCfish 030820          Cfish Team              Classic IICorrchess 071223      I. Ivec                 XLVIIKookaburra 2          Dorsz                   XLVIIKillfish 270224       Anton Ces               XLVIIStockfish 16.1        Stockfish Team          XLVIIIKillfish 190324       Anton Ces               XLIXStockfish 16.1        Stockfish Team          LSF-Poly 020624        Tanick Ramz             LI 2ndC-Dragon v3.0         Tanick Ramz             LI SuperSF-PB 120624          Skynet (Alex)           LIIKookaburra 3          Dorsz                   LIIIKillfish 280624       Anton Ces               LIII Blitz

More Details:The Champion Ranking provides quite a bit of useful information.. it gives aGood indication of who are World's best chess engine authors of SF-based..Btw, not all of Winners are belonging to Stockfish family, some are different..But I admit that in latest years,  many of Champions are SF-based engines!And unfortunately, due to no much free time: only recent Champions shared,But if publishing all Number Ones, I mean from the past to the present. then I may miss to count many.. you may know 25+'s a very long period!But depending on free time, I may start to publish at least latest ChampionsOnce more, many thanks to all authors..without you, SCCT would not exist!But this is also true, without SF: mostly current Winners would not exist too!However, please do not take too seriously the played results.. just fun tours!

Best Regards,Sedat Canbaz