Breaking News (10.09.2023):    2nd League and Super League tours ended..thanks and congrats to all players!    Note that mostly of the engines are new, updated, but some old-dated.. so and    As usual, the newer perform better.. what I can add more, on current machine    AVX2 compiles are doing better... probably that's why ProteusSF Aureo BMI2    Could not qualify..reason of testing as BMI2: ProteusSF has no AVX2 compile!    Via latest update,  Number Ones are dropped to two, but still very interesting..    E.g as we see even 2nd rank belongs two players too: Raid and Stockfish sl    And you may notice or not, Raid 2.73 is managed 2nd to be in both Leagues!    Well, here are the final standings of Second League, btw not sure exactly but    Soon I hope to organize another new tourney of 3700+ sure later I will inform..    For anyone interested, missed.. all of SL results can be viewed: Super League    Meanwhile, for my previous postings, regarding current league tourneys: News
The Champions Corrchess / Tactical - Congrats to I.Ivec /Anton Ces, SF team!
Rank Name                  Elo    +    - games score oppo. draws    1 Tactical 220823      3776    7    7  1040   52%  3762   86%    2 Corchess 240823      3776    7    7  1040   52%  3762   86%    3 Stockfish 220823 sl  3775    7    7  1040   52%  3762   88%    4 Raid v2.73           3775    7    7  1040   52%  3762   86%    5 Brainlearn 25.2      3774    7    7  1040   52%  3762   87%    6 Eman 9.40            3773    7    7  1040   52%  3762   87%    7 Cool-Iris 11.10      3772    7    7  1040   52%  3762   89%    8 ShashChess 33.2      3772    7    7  1040   52%  3762   88%    9 Stockfish 240823     3772    7    7  1040   51%  3762   87%   10 SF-Poly 220723       3771    7    7  1040   51%  3762   87%   11 SpecTral 5.0         3771    7    7  1040   51%  3762   88% 
  12 Swordfish 15.5       3769    7    7  1040   51%  3762   89%   13 SpecTral GNX 2.4.0   3768    7    7  1040   51%  3762   88%   14 LittleBeast 2 sl     3766    7    7  1040   50%  3763   89%   15 Incognito 020823     3765    7    7  1040   50%  3763   88%   16 DeepBlue 280623      3763    7    7  1040   50%  3763   88%   17 ProteusSF Aureo      3762    7    7  1040   50%  3763   86%   18 RapTora 2.2 AC       3762    7    7  1040   50%  3763   86%   19 Vanilla v13          3760    7    7  1040   50%  3763   87%   20 Kookaburra 1.03a     3757    7    7  1040   49%  3763   87%   21 Kayra 1.7            3755    7    7  1040   49%  3763   85%   22 Predator X5          3754    7    7  1040   49%  3763   83%   23 Zeus 26.5            3752    7    7  1040   48%  3763   86%   24 YuliG PrO 5          3743    7    7  1040   47%  3763   85%   25 BlueMarlin 15.7      3742    7    7  1040   47%  3763   83%   26 CatroPOLY 310723     3739    7    6  1040   46%  3764   85%   27 Raubfisch X48e       3727    6    6  1040   44%  3764   81% 
       • Calculated by Bayeselo / Vanilla is fixed to 3760 Elo  / Blue Name = Last Update
More Details• Any player with 3770+ (Elo points) is qualified into Super League tour• As new entries: 3700+ Elo / plus available engines will be participated     Up to 5 (five) chess engines by same author/s are allowed (per month)      Note that all of current players are less than 75% (in similarity): Results     • In 2nd League: any Leader (after 1000 games) will be titled Champion• Almost all of NNUE engines are AVX2, tested via their default Evalfiles• All of current eng matches are played via private Unique opening suite         For more fair conditions: each of the opening line is repeated as twice• Sure where possible: all of engines are played via move overhead: 100   As far as I've noticed so far (as usually): no any game to be lost on time• The overall draw percentage (based on 14400 games)  not so high: 86%• All the played tour games are available (in PGN) SCCT NNUE CS XXXV    •  For anyone missed, my older postings about current league tours: News