Hello Chess Friends,

On this news page,You can read my postings regarding for: XXXV

   10.09.2023 (Super League):    Here are new played results of Super League, note that the tour is still active...   .And again and again, RapTora's author is managed to be Champion of SL!!    As I mentioned before, Mr. Anton is a real master for sure, for more: Details    And it seems A. Ces belongs to the best youngest talents (in programming)    Eduard is Eduard, his engine 2nd rank no BIG surprise that again on Top!    Sure Stockfish 240823 is 2nd too, no doubt another beast, plus same words    Are going for SF-Poly, Raid etc as well, and let's see what will be next results    And soon new updates and please stay tuned.btw, New Champion Rankings
    09.09.2023 (Second League):    It is time to announce, Ladies and Gentlemen: we have 3 engine Champions:    By Eduard Nemeth / I. Ivec / Anton Ces ..really interesting and as far as I know    Very very rarely happens..I mean three Number Ones to be with same points !!    And very soon, I hope to start Super League, which are with 3770+ Elo players!
    08.09.2023:    For anyone missed, I've started to organize two Leagues, Super and Second!    Note also that, I've picked as players, which are not so close to each other...!    Second League 3700+'s  ranking is online..and here are latest played results...    So far outstanding performance by Mr. Eduatd's engine (Stockfish 220823 sl)    But I admit that Raid, ShachChess, EMAN etc. are doing so good as well...!!    Note also that any player with 3770+ Elo will be qualified into Super League!    In other words, currently we have 10 qualified engines... my congratulations!    More details very soon..and please stay tuned...

06.09.2023:Hello there )
1st of all, and as usual:Many thanks to all authors..without you:SCCT would not exist!
And here are the planning participants, whichWill be played firstly in Second League tour!
Btw, sure later..the best (highest ranked)Will be qualified into Super League tour...And I hope you like my current new idea !?
CURRENT PARTICIPANTS:Brainlearn 25.2 by K. Kiniama, A. ManzoCatroPOLY 310723 by Stockfish developersCool-Iris 11.10 by Anton CesCorchess 240823 by I. IvecDeepBlue 280623 by IBM TeamEMAN 9.40 by Khalid OmarIncognito 020823 by I. Ivec, E. NemethKayra 1.7 by Mehmet KaramanKookaburra v1.03a by K. and Stockfish developersLittleBeast 2-sl by E. Nemeth, K. OmarPredator X5 by Olesinski, SOLIDOR, EugeniuszOleRaid v2.73 by Tanick RamzRapTora 2.2 AC by Anton CesShashChess 33.2 by K. Kiniama, A. ManzoSpecTral GNX 2.4.0 by Anton CesStockfish 220823 sl by Eduard NemethStockfish 240823 by Stockfish developersSwordfish 15.5 by DorzsTACTICAL 220823 by Anton CesVanilla v13 by Team JaR-HeadsZeus 26.5 by Alan W, Ioannis S
More Details:-Plus all above engines created by Stockfish developers too!-Many ones created mainly by Anton Ces: 4, Eduard Nemeth: 3So more chances to see a winner (from mentioned authors)-Later there is a possibility to be entered more engines e.gDarkSisTer, Kayra, Predator, Kookaburra etc.
And please stay tuned, soon more details! 
