Breaking News (10.09.2023):    2nd League and Super League tours ended..thanks and congrats to all players!    After playing more tour games, the standings are changed, where unfortunately    Spectral 5 lost the lead...but where Eduard Nemeth's engine said the last word!    Anyhow, Spectral+Raid ended 2nd, where 3rd rank belongs to Stockfish 240823    What I can say more over, in very short of time, I've managed to organize many    Various tours.. more detailed info available on chess forums. Goi / Openchess    For anyone interested...the Second League results can be viewed: 2nd League
The Champion: Stockfish 220823 sl -  Congrats to Eduard Nemeth, SF team!
Rank Name                  Elo   +    -  games score oppo. draws    1 Stockfish 220823 sl  3803    7    7  1500   52%  3789   77%    2 Raid v2.73           3800    7    7  1500   52%  3789   77%    3 SpecTral 5.0         3800    7    7  1500   52%  3789   78%    4 Stockfish 240823     3796    7    7  1500   51%  3790   79%    5 SF-Poly 220723       3794    7    7  1500   51%  3790   79%    6 Eman 9.40            3791    7    7  1500   50%  3790   77%    7 Tactical 220823      3790    7    7  1500   50%  3790   78%    8 Brainlearn 25.2      3783    8    8  1500   49%  3791   72%    9 Corchess 240823      3782    7    7  1500   49%  3791   78%   10 Cool-Iris 11.10      3782    7    7  1500   49%  3791   80%   11 ShashChess 33.2      3770    7    7  1500   47%  3792   76% 
       • Calculated by Bayeselo / ShachChess fixed to 3770 Elo  / Blue Name = Last Update
More DetailsFor anyone missed, all current engines qualified from Second League     • In Super League, any Leader (after 1000 games) will be titled Champ• Almost all of NNUE engines are AVX2, tested via their default Evalfiles• All matches are played via private Unique suite (25 special openings)       For more fair conditions: each of the opening line is repeated as twiceCurrent overall draw ratio (based on 8250 games) is not so high: 78%   As reason about why less draws, mainly due to not so strong openings   But much more fun for sure, otherwise boring if results: 99.99% draws   Sure this is my opinion.. and I respect any other test conditions as well•  All played tour games are available (in PGN): SCCT NNUE CS XXXV    •  For anyone missed, my older postings about current league tours:News