Breaking News (26.01.2024):Today I organized another new competition, where this time I named it asRevenge 2001..the reason of running it...simply because Chess Tiger 14Was newer in previous tours, released in 2001, where his opponents wereAs slightly older vers., I mean almost all engines are released in 2000 year...But now..via latest Revenge tour..all players are released in 2001, so I'veDone my best for more fair cond. if nothing else now I feel much  better...)Sure more games needed..but Fritz7 seems to be one of strongest of 2001What I can say more, it is impossible to find engines, to be released all onIdentical date..sure as same words are going for opening books too..that'sWhy sometimes not all in my hands..anyhow just fun tours..simply enjoy..)
22.01.2024:1st of all, here is just another tour...and instead of NON-NNUE, I realizedTo name it as Classic CS, meanwhile, what does it mean 'Classic' word?Well, according to many dictionaries: Classic means Highest quality etc. Ok. let's back to our Computer chess, after reading many of the comments...NNUE seems to be better or worse? if you ask my opinion.. it all depends....For stronger openings ideas, analyzing etc.yes..NNUE is excellent choice!But using NN file (during active and serious games) how much is originalThis is other question of course but I guess via NNUE chess will be solvedBtw, mainly for this reason via my Classic tours...I'm doing my best aboutChess to be remained as unsolved may know, I love much chess..)And via NNUE, who knows? perhaps 'chess' is already solved e.g under Serious optimal cond. ?) but what a pity that for right now (since NNUE) No much data is available...I mean serious tours with optimal conditions..Btw, forget everything..even the guys who hated Bullet...started to love ))This saying perfectly suits: Eat a big mouthful but don't make big promisesNowadays still our good days..if so..future 3700+ matches will be with ultra fast TC?Yes since NNUE we see quite frequent bad quality games too...sure I mean Who prefer the very weak openings in their tests, personally I understand...Since their target is to see more wins...and as usual (via SCCT book tours):The ones, who prefer these handicapped openings are ranking at one of last Places..I mean it's easy to be recognized..Ok let's Me say a few words moreVia this tour, it's like from the past to the present...e.g 2000s year engines onNew decent fast hardware, yes Blitz but if we are going to compare with past..    Then current Blitz games can be counted Slow time control, e.g just imagine    The 2000's hardware with present: a HUGE speed difference in NPS values!    Note that (as in previous, recent.) I managed to organize two separate tours..    What I can say more, the current tours reminded the's something like    I watch favorite movies, which never die...e.g  one of them: Gladiator 2000    For more info about current competition, you can read at Goi + OpenChess
NEW: Revenge 2001: Blitz (3m+1s) - Ponder OFF, 64 Hash: 
    The Champion of 2001: Fritz 7 -  My Congratulations to Frans Morsch!
Rank Name               Elo    +    - games score oppo. draws    1 Fritz 7           2821   31   30   250   63%  2730   30%    2 Chess Tiger 14.0  2750   30   30   250   51%  2744   33%    3 Junior 7          2744   30   30   250   50%  2745   28%    4 Shredder 6        2732   30   30   250   48%  2748   29%    5 The King 3.12d    2718   30   30   250   46%  2750   28%    6 Gandalf 5.0       2704   30   30   250   43%  2753   33% 
• Calculated by Bayeselo / Draw Ratio (based on 750 games) is very low: 30%
     More Details (about 2001s year tour):     All engines are 32-bit, which are released / belonging only to 2001 year       Note also that I picked Top 6 strongest / highest-ranked chess engines..     • All the played tournament games are available (in PGN) Revenge 2001-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    The Champion: Chess Tiger 14 -  Congratulations to Christophe Theron!
Rapid (10m+5s) - Ponder ON, 128 Hash: Exc. Chessmaster 8000 is played via 64 hash
Rank  Name                  Score        ------------------------------------------------------------------   1: Chess Tiger 14.0   40.0 / 64      2: Junior 6.0         34.0 / 64    3: Chessmaster 8000   31.5 / 64     4: Shredder 5         30.5 / 64     5: Fritz 6            24.0 / 64  ------------------------------------------------------------------Draw Ratio (based on 160 games) is low: 38%
Blitz (4m+2s) - Ponder OFF, 64 Hash: 
Rank Name               Elo    +    - games score oppo. draws    1 Chess Tiger 14.0  2753   26   26   510   70%  2600   28%    2 Chessmaster 8000  2726   27   27   510   70%  2568   21%    3 Fritz 6           2711   26   26   510   65%  2593   24%    4 Junior 6.0        2700   26   26   510   64%  2591   25%    5 Shredder 5        2700   27   26   510   66%  2569   22%    6 Hiarcs 7.32       2694   26   25   510   62%  2606   27%    7 Gandalf 4.32h     2684   26   26   510   65%  2570   25%    8 Rebel Century     2671   26   26   510   63%  2571   25%    9 Nimzo 8           2625   25   25   510   53%  2603   28%   10 Little Goliath 3  2615   26   25   510   55%  2574   26%   11 SOS               2602   25   25   510   48%  2611   26%   12 Yace 0.99.56      2586   26   26   510   51%  2576   24%   13 Insomniac 0.69a   2577   26   26   510   50%  2576   23%   14 Ikarus V0.18      2528   25   26   510   38%  2618   28%   15 Phalanx XXII      2525   26   27   510   43%  2580   15%   16 Gromit 3.1        2525   26   26   510   43%  2580   21%   17 Crafty 17.14      2522   25   25   510   41%  2580   31%   18 AnMon 5.10        2521   26   26   510   42%  2580   24%   19 Patzer 3.11a      2465   27   27   510   31%  2611   21%   20 TAO 4.4           2441   27   28   510   32%  2585   17%   21 The Crazy Bishop  2426   27   28   510   30%  2583   16%   22 LambChop 7.10     2321   30   32   510   19%  2592   12% 
    • Calculated by Bayeselo / Draw Ratio (based on 5610 games) is very low: 23%
More Details (about 2000's year tours):All engines are 32-bit, which released / belonging almost all to 2000 year  Exception, Hiarcs is released in 1999, where Chess Tiger + Yace in 2001  Be aware too, as far as possible I picked the strongest ones at that time..• All of the played tournament games are available (in PGN): Classic CS I