Breaking News (03.07.2024):Killfish, Killfish, Killfish.. once more we noticed: Mr. Anton's engineFully deserves its name..yes, it may be close in similarity to SF, butIts performance is better for sure, as same words are going for theRest of current Top participants as well..JigSaw again missed to beChamp, e.g frequently was leading.. lost by 0.5 point but sometimesReally luck is required...especially under these tour cond, you know900 games (per player) is serious data but still more games neededSure I refer for right Elo measurements..anyhow, all of current Eng Authors are managed to be Champions in recent organized tours...In same time that shows us sometimes by losing a Champion tittle, It is not end.. e.g they found a successful way to win latest battles!
Blitz Champion: Killfish 280624 -  Congrats to Anton Ces, SF team!
   # PLAYER              :  RATING  POINTS    GAMES  (%)   1 Killfish 280624     :  3777.0   452.0     900    50   2 JigSaw v5.9         :  3776.8   451.5     900    50   3 Kookaburra 3        :  3775.0   448.5     900    50   4 SF-PB 12+18 2024    :  3774.7   448.0     900    50
       • Calculated by ORDO program / Kookaburra 3 engine fixed to 3775 Elo  
More Details• For anyone missed, all current players qualified from Bullet CS LIII• All engines are played via special Unique book ver (250 positions)  In short, according to older data...these lines produced more wins..  And for more fair conditions: each of opening is repeated as twiceThe overall draw ratio (based on 1800 games) is high: 95%, but as  Reason, the matches are played on fast CPU machine plus as Blitz  Besides, via strong openings: no much ways to be beatable 3770+ SF-PB 12+18 2024 means two ver played: SF-PB 120624+180524  And after checking closely, SF-PB 120624 performed 1 point better..• As usual, all of the tour games are available (in PGN): Bullet+ Blitz