Breaking News (03.07.2024):     Just another new CS is organized...and as players of 3700+ participated..     Congratulations and many thanks to all eng programmers! Note also that     Via Bayeselo calculation tool: 3 (three) Top players are rated as 3778 Elo,      But after checking more closely it's very clear that Kookaburra performed     0.5 point better than SF-PB, so fully deserves to be as Champion..where      SF-PB manged to be 2nd (0.5 point better than Killfish) in same time that      Means Killfish is other words great! Be aware too during active tour      JigSaw was quite often as Leader but it seems was not so lucky in the last      Rounds but anyhow in my eyes, all Top 4 ranked engines are as Winners!     BTW, a new Blitz CS (with the current Top 4 high-rated engines): Results     Meanwhile, for more detailed info about current tour OpenChess and Goi
     Bullet Champion: Kookaburra 3 - My Congratulations to Dorz, SF Team!
Rank Name               Elo    +    - games score oppo. draws   1 Kookaburra 3      3778    5    5  1160   55%  3751   88%    2 SF-PB 120624      3778    5    5  1160   55%  3751   87%    3 Killfish 280624   3778    5    5  1160   55%  3751   88%    4 JigSaw v5.9       3777    5    5  1160   55%  3751   87%    5 Brainlearn 28.1   3774    5    5  1160   54%  3751   88%    6 D.Blue 180524     3774    5    5  1160   54%  3751   87%    7 SFNNv6 16.1       3773    5    5  1160   54%  3752   87%    8 Corchess 180624   3773    5    5  1160   54%  3752   88%    9 Stockfish 230624  3772    5    5  1160   54%  3752   89%   10 XTD 010723        3772    5    5  1160   54%  3752   86%   11 Yuliirma 2.1      3768    5    5  1160   53%  3752   88%   12 Beast 15          3767    5    5  1160   53%  3752   89%   13 Polyfish 140124   3766    5    5  1160   53%  3752   88%   14 ProteusSF Aureo   3764    5    5  1160   52%  3752   89%   15 Crystal 8         3756    5    5  1160   51%  3752   87%   16 SF Polyglot 15.1  3751    5    5  1160   50%  3752   89%   17 Nebula-Vortex     3750    5    5  1160   50%  3752   87%   18 Zeus 26.5         3750    5    5  1160   50%  3752   88%   19 CatroP 310723     3748    5    5  1160   49%  3752   89%   20 Kayra 1.7         3747    5    5  1160   49%  3752   88%   21 Fisherov M 1.2    3742    5    5  1160   48%  3753   86%   22 BigBallz 010922   3735    5    5  1160   47%  3753   86%   23 Fat Titz 2        3735    5    5  1160   47%  3753   87%   24 Raubfisch X48e    3733    5    5  1160   47%  3753   85%   25 Honey v14.1.01    3727    5    5  1160   45%  3753   83%   26 K.Dragon 3.3      3726    5    5  1160   45%  3753   82%   27 Berserk 13        3721    5    4  1160   44%  3753   81%   28 Obsidian 12.29    3718    5    4  1160   43%  3753   80%   29 Cfish 120821      3713    4    4  1160   42%  3754   79%   30 Caissa v1.19      3700    4    4  1160   38%  3754   73% 
       • Calculated by Bayeselo / Zeus fixed to 3750 Elo / Blue Name = Last Update
More Details:• 1 (One) Engine per Author/s and only Publicly available ones played• Similarity Rule not used, due to mostly are close each other Results• For better, stable performance: HT (SMT) and Large Pages are OFF• Played via Concurrent games: 64 that means with 50% CPU usage  • Almost all engines are AVX2 and tested via theirs default Evalfiles• Sure where possible any Engine's move overhead is increased 100  Except Polyfish which is played with higher (via move overhead 400)  And it seems all stable, no any game is recorded to be lost on time• All engines played with newer Unique ver (based on 600+ openings)  For more fair cond., each of used opening line is repeated as twicePlus for fair..Engine Learning is disabled (exp etc. files not allowed)• The overall Draw-ratio (based on 17400 games) is not so high: 86%4• As usually, all of the tour games are available (in PGN): Bullet+ Blitz